Tuning incoming message polling

When running a Message Agent in continuous mode, typically at a consolidated database site, you can control how often it polls for incoming messages, and how "patient" it is in waiting for messages that arrive out of order before requesting that the message be resent. Tuning these aspects of the behavior can have a significant effect on performance in some circumstances.

Issues to consider

The issues to consider when tuning the message-receiving process are similar to those when tuning the message-sending process.

  • Regular messages   Your choices dictate how often the Message Agent polls for incoming messages from remote databases.

  • Resend requests   You can control how many polls to wait until an out-of-order message arrives, before requesting that it be resent.

  • Processing incoming messages   If your polling period for incoming messages is too long, compared to the frequency with which messages are arriving, you could end up with messages sitting in the queue, waiting to be processed. If your polling period is too short, you will waste resources polling when no messages are in the queue.

See Tuning the message sending process.

Polling interval
Requesting resends