Using message types

SQL Remote exchanges data among databases using an underlying message system. SQL Remote supports the following message systems:

  • File sharing   A simple system requiring no extra software.

  • FTP   Internet file transfer protocol.

  • SMTP/POP   Internet email protocol.

A database can exchange messages using one or more of the available message systems.

Not all systems are supported on all operating systems. For a complete list of supported operating systems, see [external link] SQL Anywhere Supported Platforms and Engineering Status.

Operating system availability

Not all message systems are supported on all operating systems for which SQL Remote is available. The links are implemented as DLLs on Windows operating systems.

For a listing of which message systems are supported on which operating system, see [external link] SQL Anywhere Supported Platforms and Engineering Status.

See also

Working with message types
Setting message type control parameters
The file message system
The ftp message system
The SMTP message system