Programming interfaces

General improvements

Publication masks have been replaced by publication lists. The keyword Publications takes a comma-separated list of publication names.

UltraLite C/C++

A new method, UltraLite_Table* OpenTableEx(), is now part of the UltraLite_Connection object. This method gives non-SQL applications a more versatile way of opening a table and directly scan rows. See Using direct page scans.

With this method you can specify one of the following ways to open a table:

  • To return the rows in of the primary key, use ul_table_open_primary_key.
  • To return the rows in arbitrary order, use ul_table_open_no_index.
  • To return rows in the order specified by an index, use ul_table_open_with_index.

For the complete syntax and reference for this method, see OpenTableEx function.

UltraLite embedded SQL
  • Documentation for two functions related to error interpretation. See ULGetErrorParameter function and ULGetErrorParameterCount function.
  • Functions ULGetLastDownloadTime, ULResetLastDownloadTime, and ULCountUploadRows have changed syntax to reflect the change from publication masks to publication lists.
  • The function ULGetPublicationMask is no longer available.
  • ULDataReader class includes a new method: GetRowCount(threshold) to retrieve row count up to a specified maximum number of rows.
  • The ULDataReader class now implements the IListSource interface.
UltraLite for M-Business Anywhere
  • New methods in Connection class for event handling and notification: cancelGetNotification, createNotificationQueue, declareEvent, destroyNotificationQueue, getNotification, getNotificationParameter, registerForEvent, sendNotification, and triggerEvent.

UltraLiteJ is a Java implementation of UltraLite that supports Java SE and Java ME environments, including BlackBerry smartphones. See Introduction to UltraLiteJ.