OpenTableEx function

UltraLite_Table * UltraLite_Connection_iface::OpenTableEx(
  const ULValue & table_id,
  ul_table_open_type open_type,
  const ULValue & parms,
  const ULValue & persistent_name
  • table_id   The table name or ordinal.

  • open_type   Controls how the rows are returned.

  • parms   Optional parameters depending on the open type (like index name)

  • persistent_name   The instance name used for suspending.


Opens a table to retrieve rows.

The order of the rows depends on index used to open the table. If no index is used, the rows are in arbitrary order. When the application first opens a table, the cursor position is set to BeforeFirst().

There can be a performance benefit to opening the table without using an index. However, when no index is used the table returned cannot be used to alter data and lookups cannot be performed.