MobiLink client changes

MobiLink user names and remote IDs

MobiLink now generates a unique ID called a remote ID the first time a remote database synchronizes (or when it encounters a NULL value for the remote ID). The MobiLink user name no longer needs to be unique. The MobiLink user name can now be considered a true user name that is used for authentication.

In previous versions, the synchronization progress was stored for the MobiLink user name. Now, the progress is stored for the remote ID and subscription for SQL Anywhere remotes, and the remote ID and publication for UltraLite remotes.

See ml_subscription.

Previously, you used the MobiLink user name to uniquely identify a remote database. The remote ID is a useful way to identify the remote database when you want a MobiLink user to synchronize multiple remote databases. In UltraLite remote databases, the remote ID is also useful for multiple MobiLink users to synchronize the same remote database.

See Remote IDs.

UltraLite clients

See Behavior changes and deprecated features.

SQL Anywhere clients
  • Download error hooks deprecated   The following error hooks are deprecated: sp_hook_dbmlsync_download_com_error, sp_hook_dbmlsync_fatal_sql_error, and sp_hook_dbmlsync_sql_error. They have been replaced.

    See Handling errors and warnings in event hook procedures.

  • sp_hook_dbmlsync_log_rescan only called if dbmlsync expects another synchronization   Previously, the sp_hook_dbmlsync_log_rescan hook was called at the end of every synchronization. This caused a pause to occur after dbmlsync disconnected from the MobiLink server, but before the "synchronization complete" message was displayed in the log. Now, the hook is only called when dbmlsync expects another synchronization, for example when the dbmlsync -n option is specified more than once in a command line or when scheduling is enabled.

    See sp_hook_dbmlsync_log_rescan.

  • Liveness timeout options simplified   On the client, the liveness_timeout and network_connect_timeout network connection protocol options are removed. Use the timeout connection option instead.

    See timeout.

  • No compression means no obfuscation   If you set compression to none, data is now completely unobfuscated. If security is an issue, you should use transport-layer security to encrypt your data.

    See compression.

  • Version 7 syntax and utilities are removed   The following SQL statements and utility were deprecated and are now removed:

    • MobiLink client database extraction utility (mlxtract)

  • New network protocol options for ActiveSync   ActiveSync users no longer have to specify the ActiveSync protocol when specifying the CommunicationAddress extended option or the ADDRESS clause in SQL statements. Instead, for ActiveSync you just specify the protocol and protocol options you are using for communication between the MobiLink provider for ActiveSync and the MobiLink server.

    See MobiLink client network protocol option summary.

  • New way to shut down dbmlsync   The dbmlsync -k option is deprecated and replaced with the -qc option.

    See -qc option.