Properties and Performance Monitor statistics

Several new connection, server, and database properties, as well as new Performance Monitor statistics, have been added to help you administer your database.

  • Connection properties   The following connection properties have been added in this release:

    • allow_snapshot_isolation
    • ansi_substring
    • ApproximateCPUTime
    • conn_auditing
    • default_dbspace
    • ExprCacheAbandons
    • ExprCacheDropsToReadOnly
    • ExprCacheEvicts
    • ExprCacheHits
    • ExprCacheInserts
    • ExprCacheLookups
    • ExprCache
    • GetData
    • HeapsCarver
    • HeapsLocked
    • HeapsQuery
    • HeapsRelocatable
    • HttpServiceName
    • http_session_timeout
    • java_location
    • java_main_userid
    • LastPlanText
    • LockCount
    • LockedCursorPages
    • LockTableOID
    • materialized_view_optimization
    • max_query_tasks
    • max_temp_space
    • MultiPageAllocs
    • NcharCharSet
    • oem_string
    • post_login_procedure
    • QueryHeapPages
    • ReqCountActive
    • ReqCountBlockContention
    • ReqCountBlockLock
    • ReqCountBlockIO
    • ReqCountUnscheduled
    • ReqTimeActive
    • ReqTimeBlockContention
    • ReqTimeBlockIO
    • ReqTimeBlockLock
    • ReqTimeUnscheduled
    • ReqStatus
    • RequestsReceived
    • RetryConnectionTimeout
    • SessionCreateTime
    • SessionID
    • SessionLastTime
    • SnapshotCount
    • synchronize_mirror_on_commit
    • tsql_outer_joins
    • verify_password_function

    For more information about connection properties, see Connection-level properties.

  • Server properties   The following server properties have been added in this release:

    • CachePinned
    • CacheReadEng
    • CacheSizingStatistics
    • CarverHeapPages
    • ConsoleLogMaxSize
    • CollectStatistics
    • DebuggingInformation
    • DefaultNcharCollation
    • DiskReadEng
    • ExchangeTasks
    • FirstOption
    • FunctionMaxParms
    • FunctionMinParms
    • HeapsRelocatable
    • HeapsLocked
    • HeapsQuery
    • HeapsCarver
    • IsEccAvailable
    • IsRsaAvailable
    • LastConnectionProperty
    • LastDatabaseProperty
    • LastOption
    • LastServerProperty
    • MapPhysicalMemoryEng
    • MaxConnections
    • MultiProgrammingLevel
    • NumLogicalProcessors
    • NumLogicalProcessorsUsed
    • NumPhysicalProcessors
    • NumPhysicalProcessorsUsed
    • QueryHeapPages
    • RememberLastPlan
    • RemoteputWait
    • RequestFilterConn
    • RequestFilterDB
    • RequestLogMaxSize
    • RequestsReceived
    • ServerName
    • StartDBPermission

    For more information about these properties, see Server-level properties.

  • Database properties   The following database properties have been added in this release:

    • AccentSensitive
    • AlternateServerName
    • ArbiterState
    • AuditingTypes
    • CleanablePagesAdded
    • CleanablePagesCleaned
    • EncryptionScope
    • http_session_timeout
    • IOParallelism
    • JavaVM
    • LockCount
    • MirrorState
    • NcharCollation
    • NcharCharSet
    • NextScheduleTime
    • PartnerState
    • ReceivingTracingFrom
    • SendingTracingTo
    • SnapshotCount
    • SnapshotIsolationState
    • VersionStorePages
    • XPathCompiles

    For more information about these properties, see Database-level properties.

  • Performance monitor statistics properties   The following Performance Monitor statistics have been added in this release:

    • Cache: Multi-Page Allocations
    • Cache: Panics
    • Cache: Scavenge Visited
    • Cache: Scavenges
    • Cache Pages: Allocated Structures
    • Cache Pages: File
    • Cache Pages: File Dirty
    • Cache Pages: Free
    • Comm: Requests Received
    • Heaps: Carver
    • Heaps: Query Processing
    • Heaps: Relocatable Locked
    • Heaps: Relocatable
    • Mem Pages: Carver
    • Mem Pages: Pinned Cursor
    • Mem Pages: Query Processing
    • Version Store Pages

    For more information about these statistics, see Performance Monitor statistics.