Server-level properties

The following table lists properties that apply across the server as a whole.


To retrieve the value of a server property

  • Use the property system function. For example, the following statement returns the number of cache pages used for global server data structures:

    SELECT PROPERTY ( 'MainHeapPages' );

To retrieve the values of all server properties

  • Use the sa_eng_properties system procedure:

    CALL sa_eng_properties;
See also
Property Description
ActiveReq Returns the number of server threads that are currently handling a request.
AvailIO Returns the current number of available I/O control blocks.
BuildChange Reserved.
BuildClient Reserved.
BuildProduction Returns Yes if the database server is compiled for production use or returns No if the database server is a debug build.
BuildReproducible Reserved.
BytesReceived Returns the number of bytes received during client/server communications.
BytesReceivedUncomp Returns the number of bytes that would have been received during client/server communications if compression was disabled. (This value is the same as the value for BytesReceived if compression is disabled.)
BytesSent Returns the number of bytes sent during client/server communications.
BytesSentUncomp Returns the number of bytes that would have been sent during client/server communications if compression was disabled. (This value is the same as the value for BytesSent if compression is disabled.)
CacheAllocated Returns the number of cache pages that have been allocated for server data structures.
CacheFile Returns the number of cache pages used to hold data from database files.
CacheFileDirty Returns the number of cache pages that are dirty (needing a write).
CacheFree Returns the number of cache pages not being used.
CacheHits Returns the number of database page lookups.
CachePanics Returns the number of times the cache manager has failed to find a page to allocate.
CachePinned Returns the number of pinned cache pages.
CacheRead Returns the number of cache reads.
CacheReplacements Returns the number of pages in the cache that have been replaced.
CacheScavenges Returns the number of times the cache manager has scavenged for a page to allocate.
CacheScavengeVisited Returns the number of pages visited while scavenging for a page to allocate.
CacheSizingStatistics Returns Yes if the server is displaying cache sizing statistics when the cache is resized, otherwise, returns No. See -cs server option.
CarverHeapPages Returns the number of heap pages used for short-term purposes such as query optimization.
CharSet Returns the CHAR character set in use by the database server.
ClientStmtCacheHits Returns the number of prepares that were not required because of the client statement cache. This is the number of additional prepares that would be required if client statement caching was disabled. See max_client_statements_cached option [database].
ClientStmtCacheMisses Returns the number of statements in the client statement cache that were prepared again. This is the number of times a cached statement was considered for reuse, but could not be reused because of a schema change, a database option setting, or a DROP VARIABLE statement. See max_client_statements_cached option [database].
CollectStatistics Returns Yes or No to indicate whether the database server is collecting performance statistics. See -k server option.

Returns the command line that was used to start the database server.

If the encryption key for a database was specified using the -ek option, the key is replaced with a constant string of asterisks in the value returned by this property.

CompactPlatformVer Returns a condensed version of the PlatformVer property.
CompanyName Returns the name of the company owning this software.

Returns Yes or No to indicate the current setting of the server option to disable new connections. See sa_server_option system procedure.

ConsoleLogFile Returns the name of the file where database server messages are logged if the -o option was specified, otherwise returns an empty string. See -o server option and Logging database server actions.
ConsoleLogMaxSize Returns the maximum size in bytes of the file used to log database server messages. See -os server option.
CurrentCacheSize Returns the current cache size, in kilobytes.
DebuggingInformation Returns Yes if the server is displaying diagnostic messages for troubleshooting, and No otherwise. See -z server option.
DefaultCollation Returns the collation that would be used for new databases if none is explicitly specified.
DefaultNcharCollation Returns the name of the default NCHAR collation on the server computer (UCA if ICU is installed, and UTF8BIN otherwise).
DiskRead Returns the number of disk reads.
DiskReadHintScatterLimit Returns the imposed limit on the size (in bytes) of a scatter read hint.
DiskRetryRead Returns the number of disk read retries.
DiskRetryReadScatter Returns the number of disk read retries for scattered reads.
DiskRetryWrite Returns the number of disk write retries.
EventTypeDesc Returns the system event type description associated with a given event type ID.
EventTypeName Returns the system event type name associated with a given event type ID.
ExchangeTasks Returns the number of tasks currently being used for parallel execution of queries.
ExchangeTasksCompleted Returns the total number of internal tasks that have been used for intra-query parallelism since the database server started. See Parallelism during query execution.
FipsMode Returns Yes if the -fips option was specified when the database server was started, and No otherwise.
FirstOption Returns the number that represents the first connection property that corresponds to a database option.
FreeBuffers Returns the number of available network buffers.

Returns the maximum number of parameters that can be specified a function. The function is identified by the value specified by the function-number, which is a positive integer. For example:

SELECT PROPERTY ( 'FunctionMaxParms', function-number );

Note that the function-number is subject to change between releases.


Returns the minimum number of parameters that must be specified a function. The function is identified by the value specified by the function-number, which is a positive integer. For example:

SELECT PROPERTY ( 'FunctionMaxParms', function-number );

Note that the function-number is subject to change between releases.


Returns the name of the function identified by the value specified by the function-number (which is a positive integer):

SELECT PROPERTY ( 'FunctionName', function-number );

Note that the function-number is subject to change between releases.

HeapsCarver Returns the number of heaps used for short-term purposes such as query optimization.
HeapsLocked Returns number of relocatable heaps currently locked in the cache.
HeapsQuery Returns the number of heaps used for query processing (hash and sort operations).
HeapsRelocatable Returns the number of relocatable heaps.

Returns a semicolon delimited list of the TCP/IP addresses the server is listening to for HTTP connections. For example:

HttpNumActiveReq Returns the number of HTTP connections that are actively processing an HTTP request. An HTTP connection that has sent its response is not included.
HttpNumConnections Returns the number of HTTP connections that are currently open within the database server. They may be actively processing a request or waiting in a queue of long lived (keep-alive) connections.
HttpNumSessions Returns the number of active and dormant HTTP sessions within the database server.
HttpPorts Returns the HTTP port numbers for the web server as a comma delimited list.

Returns a semicolon delimited list of the TCP/IP addresses the server is listening to for HTTPS connections. For example:

HttpsNumActiveReq Returns the number of secure HTTPS connections that are actively processing an HTTPS request. An HTTPS connection that has sent its response is not included.
HttpsNumConnections Returns the number of HTTPS connections that are currently open within the database server. They may be actively processing a request or waiting in a queue of long lived (keep-alive) connections.
HttpsPorts Returns the HTTPS port numbers for the web server as a comma delimited list.
IdleTimeout Returns the default idle timeout. See -ti server option.
IsEccAvailable Returns Yes if the ECC DLL is installed, and No otherwise.
IsFipsAvailable Returns Yes if the FIPS DLL is installed, and No otherwise.
IsNetworkServer Returns Yes if connected to a network database server, and No if connected to a personal database server.
IsRsaAvailable Returns Yes if the RSA DLL is installed, and No otherwise.
IsRuntimeServer Returns Yes if connected to the limited desktop runtime database server, and No otherwise.
Language Returns the locale language for the server.
LastConnectionProperty Returns the number that represents the last connection property.
LastDatabaseProperty Returns the number that represents the last database property.
LastOption Returns the number that represents the last connection property that corresponds to a database option.
LastServerProperty Returns the number that represents the last server property.
LegalCopyright Returns the copyright string for the software.
LegalTrademarks Returns trademark information for the software.
LicenseCount Returns the number of licensed seats or processors.
LicensedCompany Returns the name of the licensed company.
LicensedUser Returns the name of the licensed user.
LicenseType Returns the license type. Can be networked seat (per-seat) or CPU-based.
LivenessTimeout Returns the client liveness timeout default. See -tl server option.
LockedCursorPages Returns the number of pages used to keep cursor heaps pinned in memory.
LockedHeapPages Returns the number of heap pages locked in the cache.
MachineName Returns the name of the computer running a database server. Typically, this is the computer's host name.
MainHeapBytes Returns the number of bytes used for global server data structures.
MainHeapPages Returns the number of pages used for global server data structures.
MapPhysicalMemoryEng Returns the number of database page address space windows mapped to physical memory in the cache using Address Windowing Extensions.
MaxCacheSize Returns the maximum cache size allowed, in kilobytes.

Returns the maximum number of concurrent connections the server allows. For the personal server, this value defaults to 10. For the network server, this value defaults to about 32000. This value can be lowered using the -gm server option. See -gm server option.

Computer resources typically limit the number of connections to a network server to a lower value than the default.

MaxEventType Returns the maximum valid event type ID.
MaxMessage Deprecated. Returns the current maximum line number that can be retrieved from the database server messages window. This represents the most recent message displayed in the database server messages window.
MaxRemoteCapability Returns the maximum valid capability ID.
Message, linenumber

Deprecated. Returns a line from the database server messages window, prefixed by the date and time the message appeared. The second parameter specifies the line number.

The value returned by PROPERTY( "message" ) is the first line of output that was written to the database server messages window. Calling PROPERTY( "message", n ) returns the n-th line of server output (with zero being the first line). The buffer is finite, so as messages are generated, the first lines are dropped and may no longer be available in memory. In this case, NULL is returned.

MessageCategoryLimit Returns the minimum number of messages of each severity and category that can be retrieved using the sa_server_messages system procedure. The default value is 400. See sa_server_messages system procedure.
MessageText, linenumber Deprecated. Returns the text associated with the specified line number in the database server messages window, without a date and time prefix. The second parameter specifies the line number.
MessageTime, linenumber Deprecated. Returns the date and time associated with the specified line number in the database server messages window. The second parameter specifies the line number.
MessageWindowSize Deprecated. Returns the maximum number of lines that can be retrieved from the database server messages window.
MinCacheSize Returns the minimum cache size allowed, in kilobytes.
MultiPacketsReceived Returns the number of multi-packet requests received during client/server communications.
MultiPacketsSent Returns the number of multi-packet responses sent during client/server communications.
MultiPageAllocs Returns the number of multi-page cache allocations.
MultiProgrammingLevel Returns the maximum number of concurrent tasks the server can process. Requests are queued if there are more concurrent tasks than this value. This can be changed with the -gn server option. See -gn server option.
Name Returns the alternate name of the server used to connect to the database if one was specified, otherwise, returns the real server name. See -sn database option.

Returns a string that identifies the native processor type on platforms where a processor can be emulated (such as X86 on Win64). In all other cases, it returns the same value as property( 'ProcessorArchitecture' ).

Values can include:

  • 32-bit Windows, except Windows Mobile, - X86
  • Windows Mobile - ARM
  • 64-bit Windows - X86_64
  • Solaris - SPARC or X86_64
  • AIX - PPC
  • MAC OS - X86 or X86_64
  • HP - IA64
  • Linux - X86 or X86_64

For a full list of supported platforms, see [external link] SQL Anywhere Supported Platforms and Engineering Support Status.

NumLogicalProcessors Returns the number of logical processors (including cores and hyperthreads) enabled on the server computer.
NumLogicalProcessorsUsed Returns the number of logical processors the database server will use. On Windows, use the -gtc option to change the number of logical processors used. See -gtc server option.
NumPhysicalProcessors Returns the number of physical processors enabled on the server computer. This value is NumLogicalProcessors divided by the number of cores or hyperthreads per physical processor. On some non-Windows platforms, cores or hyperthreads may be counted as physical processors.
NumPhysicalProcessorsUsed Returns the number of physical processors the database server will use. The personal server is limited to one processor on some platforms. On Windows, you can use the -gt option to change the number of physical processors used by the network database server. See -gt server option.
OmniIdentifier This property is reserved for system use. Do not change the setting of this option.
PacketsReceived Returns the number of client/server communication packets received.

Returns the number of packets that would have been received during client/server communications if compression was disabled. (This value is the same as the value for PacketsReceived if compression is disabled.)

PacketsSent Returns the number of client/server communication packets sent.
PacketsSentUncomp Returns the number of packets that would have been sent during client/server communications if compression was disabled. (This value is the same as the value for PacketsSent if compression is disabled.)
PageSize Returns the size of the database server cache pages. This can be set using the -gp option, otherwise, it is the maximum database page size of the databases specified on the command line.
PeakCacheSize Returns the largest value the cache has reached in the current session, in kilobytes.
Platform Returns the operating system on which the software is running. For example, if you are running on Windows 2000, this property returns Windows2000.
PlatformVer Returns the operating system on which the software is running, including build numbers, service packs, and so on. For example, it could return Windows 2000 Build 2195 Service Pack 3.

Returns CPU usage for the database server process. Values are in seconds. This property is supported on Windows and Unix. This property is not supported on Windows Mobile.

The value returned for this property is cumulative since the database server was started. The value will not match the instantaneous value returned by applications such as the Windows Task Manager or the Windows Performance Monitor.


Returns system CPU usage for the database server process CPU. This is the amount of CPU time that the database server spent inside the operating system kernel. Values are in seconds. This property is supported on Windows and Unix. This property is not supported on Windows Mobile.

The value returned for this property is cumulative since the database server was started. The value will not match the instantaneous value returned by applications such as the Windows Task Manager or the Performance Monitor.


Returns user CPU usage for the database server process. Values are in seconds. This excludes the amount of CPU time that the database server spent inside the operating system kernel. This property is supported on Windows and Unix. This property is not supported on Windows Mobile.

The value returned for this property is cumulative since the database server was started. The value will not match the instantaneous value returned by applications such as the Windows Task Manager or the Performance Monitor.


Returns a string that identifies the processor type. Values can include:

  • 32-bit Windows (except Windows Mobile) - X86
  • 64-bit Windows - X86_64
  • Windows Mobile - ARM
  • Solaris - SPARC or X86_64
  • AIX - PPC
  • MAC OS - X86
  • HP - IA64
  • Linux - X86 or X86_64
ProductName Returns the name of the software.
ProductVersion Returns the version of the software being run.
ProfileFilterConn Returns the ID of the connection being monitored if procedure profiling for a specific connection is turned on. Otherwise, returns an empty string. You control procedure profiling by user with the sa_server_option procedure. See sa_server_option system procedure.
ProfileFilterUser Returns the name of the user being monitored if procedure profiling for a specific user is turned on. Otherwise, returns an empty string. You control procedure profiling by user with the sa_server_option procedure. See sa_server_option system procedure.
QueryHeapPages Returns the number of cache pages used for query processing (hash and sort operations).
QueryMemActiveCurr Returns the number of requests actively using query memory.
QueryMemActiveEst Returns the database server's estimate of the steady state average of the number of requests actively using query memory.
QueryMemActiveMax Returns the maximum number of requests that are actively allowed to use query memory.
QueryMemExtraAvail Returns the amount of memory available to grant beyond the base memory-intensive grant.
QueryMemGrantBase Returns the minimum amount of memory granted to all requests.
QueryMemGrantBaseMI Returns the minimum amount of memory granted to memory-intensive requests.
QueryMemGrantExtra Returns the number of query memory pages that can be distributed among active memory intensive beyond QueryMemGrantBaseMI.
QueryMemGrantFailed Returns the total number of times a request waited for query memory, but failed to get it.
QueryMemGrantGranted Returns the number of pages currently granted to requests.
QueryMemGrantRequested Returns the total number of times any request attempted to acquire query memory.
QueryMemGrantWaited Returns the total number of times any request waited for query memory.
QueryMemGrantWaiting Returns the current number of requests waiting for query memory.
QueryMemPages Returns the amount of memory that is available for query execution algorithms, expressed as a number of pages.
QueryMemPercentOfCache Returns the amount of memory that is available for query execution algorithms, expressed as a percent of maximum cache size.
QuittingTime Returns the shutdown time for the server. If none is specified, the value is none.
RememberLastPlan Returns Yes if the server is recording the last query optimization plan returned by the optimizer. See -zp server option.
RememberLastStatement Returns Yes if the server is recording the last statement prepared by each connection, and No otherwise. See -zl server option.
RemoteCapability Returns the remote capability name associated with a given capability ID.
RemoteputWait Returns the number of remote put waits.
Req Returns the number of times the server has been entered to allow it to handle a new request or continue processing an existing request.
RequestFilterConn Returns the ID of the connection that logging information is being filtered for, otherwise, returns -1.
RequestFilterDB Returns the ID of the database that logging information is being filtered for, otherwise, returns -1.

Returns the name of the request logging file. An empty string is returned if there is no request logging. See sa_server_option system procedure.


Returns one of SQL, PLAN, HOSTVARS, PROCEDURES, TRIGGERS, OTHER, BLOCKS, REPLACE, ALL, or NONE, indicating the current setting for request logging. See sa_server_option system procedure.

RequestLogMaxSize Returns the maximum size of the request log file. See -zs server option.

Returns the number of request log files being kept. See sa_server_option system procedure.

RequestsReceived Returns the number of client/server communication requests or round trips. It is different from PacketsReceived in that multi-packet requests count as one request, and liveness packets are not included.
RequestTiming Returns Yes if request timing is turned on, and No otherwise. Request timing is turned on using the -zt database server option. See -zt server option.
SendFail Returns the number of times that the underlying communications protocols have failed to send a packet.
ServerName Returns the name of the server for the current connection. You can use this value to determine which of the operational servers is currently acting as primary in a database mirroring configuration. See Introduction to database mirroring.
StartDBPermission Returns the setting of the -gd server option, which can be one of DBA, all, or none. See -gd server option.
StartTime Returns the date/time that the server started.
StreamsUsed Returns the number of database server streams in use.

Returns a semicolon delimited list of the TCP/IP addresses the server is listening to for Command Sequence and TDS connections. For example:

TempDir Returns the directory in which temporary files are stored by the server.
TimeZoneAdjustment Returns the number of minutes that must be added to the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) to display time local to the server.
TotalBuffers Returns the total number of network buffers.
UniqueClientAddresses Returns the number of unique client network addresses connected to a network server.
UnschReq Returns the number of requests that are currently queued up waiting for an available server thread.
WebClientLogFile Returns the name of the web service client log file. See -zoc server option.
WebClientLogging Returns a value that indicates whether web service client information is being logged to a file. See -zoc server option.