MobiLink behavior changes

The following is a list of behavior changes from previous versions of the software.

Security behavior changes
  • HTTP+TLS security deprecated in favor of HTTPS   Transport-layer security is deprecated for clients connecting over HTTP. To use transport-layer security over HTTP, you should use HTTPS.

    For information about server-side security, see Starting the MobiLink server with transport-layer security.

    For information about client-side security, see Configuring MobiLink clients to use transport-layer security.

  • Certificate name and password must be supplied when using ECC_TLS or RSA encryption with MobiLink   The default values for the certificate, certificate_password, and trusted_certificates synchronization parameters have been removed. These defaults utilized the sample certificates that are provided in the win32 directory of your SQL Anywhere Studio installation. The sample certificates are useful only for testing and development purposes and do not provide security.

    See -x option.

Other MobiLink behavior changes
  • No polling interval for UDP listening   On the Listener, there is now no polling interval for UDP connections. The Listener processes messages immediately.

    See -I option in Listener utility.

  • Support for MobiLink Palm Listener on Treo 180 and Kyocera 6035 smartphones deprecated   For information about supported devices for the Palm Listener, see Listeners for Palm devices.