Adaptive Server Anywhere behavior changes

Deprecated and discontinued features

The following is a list of features that are no longer supported or are deprecated, and that may impact existing applications.

  • min_table_size_for_histogram option removed   The database server no longer uses the min_table_size_for_histogram option. In previous versions of the software, this option allowed you to specify the minimum table size for which histograms were created. Now Adaptive Server Anywhere automatically creates histograms for all tables with five or more rows. You can create histograms for all tables, regardless of size, using the CREATE STATISTICS statement.

    See Updating column statistics.

  • Deprecated database options   The following database options are no longer supported:

    • truncate_date_values
    • assume_distinct_servers

  • Old database formats deprecated   In the next major release of SQL Anywhere Studio, databases created under old versions of the software will not be supported. Migration tools will be provided.

  • Non-threaded DBTools library for UNIX deprecated   The non-threaded DBTools library for UNIX ( is deprecated: it is fully supported in the current software but will not be supported in the next major release of SQL Anywhere Studio.

  • 950TWN collation no longer supported   The 950TWN has been superceded by the following collations: 950ZHO_HK and 950ZHO_TW.

    See Supported and alternate collations.

Other behavior changes

The following is a list of behavior changes from previous versions of the software.

  • Restrictions on the Transaction Log utility (dblog) when removing the transaction log   When removing a transaction log using the -n option, you must also specify the corresponding ignore transaction log offset option (-il for the Log Transfer Manager, -ir for SQL Remote, or -is for dbmlsync).

    For information, see Transaction Log utility (dblog).

  • Database utilities running in quiet mode   When performing any of the following operations with the -q option (quiet mode) specified, you must also specify the -y option:

    • modifying or deleting a service with the Service Creation (dbsvc) utility
    • modifying or deleting a datasource with the Data Source (dbdsn) utility
    • erasing a file with the Erase (dberase) utility
    • translating a transaction log with the Log Translation (dbtran) utility

  • Certificate name and password must be supplied when using ECC_TLS or RSA encryption   The default values for the certificate, certificate_password, and trusted_certificates parameters have been removed. These defaults utilized the sample certificates that are provided in the win32 directory of your SQL Anywhere Studio installation. The sample certificates are useful only for testing and development purposes and do not provide security.

    In addition, the -ec all server option is no longer supported.

    See -ec server option.

  • -xs server option change   The -xs all server option is no longer supported to listen for web requests on both HTTP and HTTPS ports.

    See -xs server option.

  • TCP/IP port number must be specified for network database servers on Mac OS X, HP-UX, and Tru64 when the default port is not in use   If you are starting a database server on Mac OS X, HP-UX, or Tru64, you must specify a port number using the ServerPort [PORT] protocol option if the default port (2638) is already in use or if you do not want to use the default port.

    See ServerPort protocol option [PORT].

  • Dbspace file names are changed for databases unloaded and reloaded with the Unload utility (dbunload)   When a database is unloaded and reloaded using the -an option of the Unload utility (dbunload), the dbspace file names for the new database have an R appended to the end of the file name. This is done to prevent naming conflicts when the new dbspace files are placed in the same directory as the original dbspace files. Dbspace file names also have an R appended to the file name when you unload and reload data using the Unload Database wizard in Sybase Central.

    See Unload utility (dbunload).

  • Property functions now return LONG VARCHAR values   Previously, the following functions returned a VARCHAR(254) value. They now return a VARCHAR(maxpropsize) value, where maxpropsize is based on the maximum page size specified for the server.


  • STRTOUUID function change   In previous releases, if STRTOUUID was passed an invalid UUID value it returned NULL. It now returns a conversion error unless the conversion_error option is set to OFF, in which case it returns NULL.