Adaptive Server Anywhere new features

This section introduces the new features in Adaptive Server Anywhere version 8.0.2. It provides an exhaustive listing of major and minor new features, with cross references to locations where each feature is discussed in detail.

Highlighted new features
  • Clustered index support   Creating a clustered index on a table causes the rows in that table to be stored in approximately the same order as they appear in the index. You can use the LOAD TABLE statement to load a table with information in the clustered order. As you insert information into the table, the clustering characteristics of the table degrade. You can use the REORGANIZE TABLE statement to reestablish the clustering order. Clustered indexes can improve performance.

    To use clustered indexes on databases created before this release, you must upgrade the database file format by unloading and reloading the database.

    For more information, see Using clustered indexes.

  • Unique identifier support   Adaptive Server Anywhere supports unique identifiers (UUIDs and GUIDs). UUIDs (universally unique identifiers) and GUIDs (globally unique identifiers) are a mechanism for uniquely identifying rows, even across distinct databases in a synchronization environment.

    For more information, see The NEWID default.

  • Update existing rows with ON EXISTING clause   You can use the ON EXISTING clause of the INSERT statement to update existing rows with new values, as long as the table has a primary key.

    For more information, see Changing data using INSERT or the INSERT statement.

  • BACKUP statement supported on Windows CE   Adaptive Server Anywhere allows you to create image backups of databases operating on the Windows CE platform, or to rename or truncate the database's transaction log.

    For more information, see Types of backup or the BACKUP statement.

  • Graphical plan enhancements   The graphical plan has been enhanced to include more information, resulting in a new look.

    For more information, see Reading graphical plans.

  • Use of work tables is now explicit   The use of work tables is now postponed until as late as possible in the plan. When work tables are used, they now appear explicitly in the graphical plan.

    For more information, see Reading graphical plans or Use work tables in query processing (use All-rows optimization goal).

  • New joins added   New joins added to this release include the nested loops semijoin, the nested loops antisemijoin, the hash semijoin and the hash antisemijoin.

    For more information, see Join algorithms.

Function enhancements
Statement enhancements
  • Hide procedure text to keep your logic confidential   You can obscure the logic contained in stored procedures, functions, triggers and views using the SET HIDDEN option. This allows applications and databases to be distributed without revealing the logic in stored procedures, functions, triggers, and views.

    For more information, see Hiding the contents of procedures, functions, triggers and views.

  • LOAD TABLE now accepts delimiters of more than 1 byte   The LOAD TABLE statement now supports delimiters that are up to 255 bytes.

    For more information, see LOAD TABLE statement.

  • New statement provides compatibility for Adaptive Server Enterprise and Microsoft SQL Server   You can use the DEALLOCATE statement to release resources associated with a cursor. This statement is provided for Adaptive Server Enterprise and Microsoft SQL Server compatibility.

    For more information, see DEALLOCATE statement.

  • ALTER DATABASE statement behaves like dblog utility   You can use the ALTER DATABASE statement to change the transaction log and mirror log names associated with a database file. Previously, you could only do this using the Transaction Log (dblog) utility.

    For more information, see ALTER DATABASE statement.

  • LOAD TABLE can be used for both global and local temporary tables   Adaptive Server Anywhere now supports the LOAD TABLE statement on declared local temporary tables. Previously, only global temporary tables were supported.

    For more information, see LOAD TABLE statement.

  • SET statement can be used to assign variable values   You can now assign values to variables using the SET statement in Transact-SQL procedures.

  • INSERT statement now supports WITH AUTO NAME   If you specify WITH AUTO NAME in an INSERT statement, the names of the items in the SELECT list determine the associations of values to destination columns.

    For more information, see INSERT statement.

  • EXIT statement enhanced   The Interactive SQL EXIT statement can now set an exit code for Interactive SQL.

    For more information, see EXIT statement [Interactive SQL].

  • Specify the optimization goal for a query in the FROM clause   You can use the FASTFIRSTROW table hint to set the optimization goal for the query without setting the optimization_goal option to first-row.

    For more information, see FROM clause.

Security enhancements
  • New utility allows you to hide the contents of files   Configuration files, also known as command files, sometimes contain passwords. As an enhanced security feature, Adaptive Server Anywhere has a new utility, called the File Hiding utility, that allows you to hide the contents of configuration files using simple encryption.

    For more information, see File Hiding utility (dbfhide).

  • Certicom encryption changes   Security has been enhanced to support two types of Certicom encryption, ECC_TLS and RSA_TLS. The encryption known in previous versions of Adaptive Server Anywhere as Certicom encryption has been renamed to ECC_TLS encryption. The Certicom parameter is still accepted and is equivalent to ECC_TLS encryption. Adaptive Server Anywhere now also supports RSA_TLS encryption.

    For more information, see -ec server option or Encryption connection parameter [ENC].

Performance enhancements
  • New connection parameters can improve network responsiveness   The LazyClose and PrefetchOnOpen network connection parameters can improve performance on networks with poor latency or with applications that process many requests.

    For information about these parameters, see LazyClose connection parameter [LCLOSE] and PrefetchOnOpen connection parameter.

  • Scattered reads now used on Windows NT/2000/XP   Previously, sequential scans of large tables copied pages to a 64 KB buffer and then into the cache. Now, providing you are running in a Windows NT Service Patch 2 or higher environment, or in a Windows 2000/XP environment, and provided your page size is at least 4 KB, scattered reads copy the pages directly to the cache, thus saving time and improving performance.

    For more information, see Use an appropriate page size.

  • Improved time resolution in request logging   The times obtained using procedure profiling or request logging now have a resolution of 1 millisecond. This change primarily affects servers running on Windows operating systems.

  • Running multiple versions of the Performance Monitor   If you run multiple versions of Adaptive Server Anywhere simultaneously, you can also run multiple versions of the Windows Performance Monitor simultaneously.

    For more information about the Windows Performance Monitor, see Monitoring statistics using Windows Performance Monitor.

Miscellaneous enhancements
  • Changing server's temp folder via a registry setting   On Windows CE platforms, you can use the registry to specify which temporary directory the server uses.

    For more information, see Registry settings on Windows Mobile.

  • New iAnywhere JDBC driver   This robust and high-performance JDBC driver enjoys the benefits of ODBC data sources and the Command Sequence client/server protocol. It is an alternative to the jConnect JDBC driver.

    For information on the iAnywhere JDBC driver, see Using the iAnywhere JDBC driver.

    For information on choosing a JDBC driver, see Choosing a JDBC driver.

  • Triggers can discriminate among the actions that caused a trigger to fire   You can now carry out different actions depending on whether the trigger was fired by an UPDATE, INSERT, or DELETE operation. This feature enables you to share logic among the different events within a single trigger, and yet carry out some actions in an action-dependent manner.

    For more information, see Trigger operation conditions.

  • return_date_time_as_string is no longer TDS specific   All connections can now use the return_date_time_as_string option.

    For more information about this option, see return_date_time_as_string option [database].

  • Units can be specified when adding space to a dbspace   You can extend database files by a specific size, in units of pages, kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes, or terabytes.

    For more information, see ALTER DBSPACE statement.

  • sa_make_object system procedure   This system procedure can be used in a SQL script to ensure that a skeletal instance of an object exists before executing an ALTER statement which provides the actual definition.

    For more information, see sa_make_object system procedure.

  • New global variable compatible with Microsoft SQL Server   A new global variable has been introduced to allow for Microsoft SQL Server compatibility. The @@fetch_status global variable is the same as the @@sqlstatus global variable, except that it returns the status of the most recent fetch in different values.

    For more information, see Global variables.

  • Character set conversion supported on NetWare   NetWare now supports character set conversion.

  • Information utility reports the version of installed Java classes   The dbinfo utility and a_db_info structure now report the version of the Java classes installed in a database.

    For more information, see Information utility (dbinfo) and a_db_info structure.

  • Suppress warnings on fetch operations   Versions 8.0 and later of the database server return a wider range of fetch warnings than earlier versions of the software. The ODBC Configuration for Adaptive Server Anywhere window allows you to suppress warning messages returned from the database server to ensure that they are handled properly for applications that are deployed with earlier versions of the software.

  • Controlling updates to primary key columns   Setting the new prevent_article_pkey_update option to On disallows updates to the primary key columns of tables that are part of a publication. This option helps ensure data integrity, especially in a replication and synchronization environment.

    For more information, see prevent_article_pkey_update option [database] [MobiLink client].