LOAD TABLE statement

Use this statement to import bulk data into a database table from an external file.

LOAD [ INTO ] TABLE [ owner.]table-name 
[ ( column-name, ... ) ]
[ load-option ... ] 
[ statistics-limitation-option ]
load-source : 
{ FROM filename-expression 
   | USING FILE filename-expression 
   | USING CLIENT FILE client-filename-expression
   | USING VALUE value-expression
   | USING COLUMN column-expression  }
filename-expression : string | variable 
client-filename-expression : string | variable 
value-expression : expression
column-expression : 
   FROM table-name 
   ORDER BY column-list
load-option :
| ENCODING encoding
| ORDER { ON | OFF }
| PCTFREE percent-free-space
| QUOTE string
| SKIP integer
statistics-limitation-option :
   | ON ( column-list )
   | OFF 
comment-prefix : string
encoding : string
  • column-name   Use this clause to specify one or more columns to load data into. Any columns not present in the column list become NULL if DEFAULTS is OFF. If DEFAULTS is ON and the column has a default value, that value is used. If DEFAULTS is OFF and a non-nullable column is omitted from the column list, the database server attempts to convert the empty string to the column's type.

    When a column list is specified, it lists the columns that are expected to exist in the file and the order in which they are expected to appear. Column names cannot be repeated. Column names that do not appear in the list are set to NULL/zero/empty or DEFAULT (depending on column nullability, data type, and the DEFAULTS setting). Columns that exist in the input file that are to be ignored by LOAD TABLE can be specified using filler() as a column name.

  • load-source   Use this clause to specify the data source to load data from. There are several sources of data from which data can be loaded. The following list gives the supported load sources:

  • FROM clause   Use this to specify a file. The filename-expression is passed to the database server as a string. The string is therefore subject to the same database formatting requirements as other SQL strings. In particular:

    • To indicate directory paths, the backslash character (\) must be represented by two backslashes. The statement to load data from the file c:\temp\input.dat into the Employees table is:
      LOAD TABLE Employees
      FROM 'c:\\temp\\input.dat' ...
    • The path name is relative to the database server, not to the client application.
    • You can use UNC path names to load data from files on computers other than the database server.

  • USING FILE clause   Use this clause to load data from a file. This is synonymous with specifying the FROM filename clause.

  • USING CLIENT FILE clause   Use this clause to load data from a file on a client computer. When the database server retrieves data from client-filename-expression, the data is not materialized in the server’s memory, so the database server limit on the size of BLOB expressions does not apply to the file. Therefore, the client file can be of an arbitrary size.

  • USING VALUE clause   Use this clause to load data from any expression of CHAR, NCHAR, BINARY, or LONG BINARY type, or BLOB string. The following are examples of how this clause can be used:

    • The following syntax uses the xp_read_file system procedure to get the values to load from the target file:
      ... USING VALUE xp_read_file( 'filename' )...
    • The following syntax specifies the value directly, inserting two rows with values of 4 and 5, respectively;
      ... USING VALUE '4\n5'...
    • The following syntax uses the results of the READ_CLIENT_FILE function as the value:
      ... USING VALUE READ_CLIENT_FILE( client-filename-expression )

      In this case, you can also specify USING CLIENT FILE client-filename-expression since they are semantically equivalent.

    If the ENCODING clause is not specified in the LOAD TABLE statement, then encoding for values is assumed to be in the database character set (db_charset) if the values are of type CHAR or BINARY, and NCHAR database character set (nchar_charset) if the values are of type NCHAR.

  • USING COLUMN clause   Use this clause to load data from a single column in another table. This clause is used by the database server when it replays the transaction log during recovery by replaying the LOAD TABLE ... WITH CONTENT LOGGING statements. Transaction log records for LOAD TABLE ... WITH CONTENT LOGGING statements comprise chunks of concatenated rows. When the database server encounters these chunks in the transaction log during recovery, it loads the chunks into a temporary table and then loads all of the data from the original load operation.

    The following clauses are supported in the USING COLUMN clause:

    • table-name   The name of the base or temporary table that contains the column to load data from. When used by the database server during recovery from the transaction log, this is the table that holds the chunks of rows to be parsed and loaded.

    • column-name   The name of the column in table-name that holds the chunks of rows to be loaded.

    • column-list   One or more columns in the destination table used to sort the rows prior to loading the data.

    • load-option clause   There are several load options you can specify to control how data is loaded. The following list gives the supported load options:

      • BYTE ORDER MARK clause   Use this clause to specify whether a byte order mark (BOM) is present in the encoding. By default, this option is ON, which enables the server to search for and interpret a byte order mark (BOM) at the beginning of the data. If BYTE ORDER MARK is OFF, the server does not search for a BOM.

        If the ENCODING clause is specified:

        • If the BYTE ORDER MARK option is ON and you specify a UTF-16 encoding with an endian such as UTF-16BE or UTF-16LE, the database server searches for a BOM at the beginning of the data. If a BOM is present, it is used to verify the endianness of the data. If you specify the wrong endian, an error is returned.
        • If the BYTE ORDER MARK option is ON and you specify a UTF-16 encoding without an explicit endian, the database server searches for a BOM at the beginning of the data. If a BOM is present, it is used to determine the endianness of the data. Otherwise, the operating system endianness is assumed.
        • If the BYTE ORDER MARK option is ON and you specify a UTF-8 encoding, the database server searches for a BOM at the beginning of the data. If a BOM is present it is ignored.

        If the ENCODING clause is not specified:

        • If you do not specify an ENCODING clause and the BYTE ORDER MARK option is ON, the server looks for a BOM at the beginning of the input data. If a BOM is located, the source encoding is automatically selected based on the encoding of the BOM (UTF-16BE, UTF-16LE, or UTF-8) and the BOM is not considered to be part of the data to be loaded.
        • If you do not specify an ENCODING clause and the BYTE ORDER MARK option is OFF, or a BOM is not found at the beginning of the input data, the database CHAR encoding is used.

      • CHECK CONSTRAINTS clause   Use this clause to control whether constraints are checked during loading. CHECK CONSTRAINTS is ON by default, but the Unload utility (dbunload) writes out LOAD TABLE statements with CHECK CONSTRAINTS set to OFF. Setting CHECK CONSTRAINTS to OFF disables check constraints, which can be useful, for example, during database rebuilding. If a table has check constraints that call user-defined functions that are not yet created, the rebuild fails unless CHECK CONSTRAINTS is set to OFF.

      • COMMENTS INTRODUCED BY clause   Use this clause to specify the string used in the data file to introduce a comment. When used, LOAD TABLE ignores any line that begins with the string comment-prefix. For example, in the following statement, lines in input.dat that start with // are ignored.
        LOAD TABLE Employees FROM 'c:\\temp\\input.dat' COMMENTS INTRODUCED BY '//' ...

        Comments are only allowed at the beginning of a new line.

        If COMMENTS INTRODUCED BY is omitted, the data file must not contain comments because they are interpreted as data.

      • COMPRESSED clause   Specify COMPRESSED if the data being loaded is compressed in the input file. The database server decompresses the data before loading it. If you specify COMPRESSED and the data is not compressed, the LOAD fails and returns an error.

        Specify AUTO COMPRESSED to allow the database server determine whether the data in the input file is compressed. If so, the database server decompresses the data before loading it.

        Specify NOT COMPRESSED to indicate that the data in the input file is not compressed. You can also specify NOT COMPRESSED if the data is compressed, but you don't want the database server to decompress it. In this case, the data remains compressed in the database. However, if a file is both encrypted and compressed, you cannot use NOT ENCRYPTED without also using NOT COMPRESSED.

      • COMPUTES clause   By default, this option is ON, which enables recalculation of computed columns. Setting COMPUTES to OFF disables computed column recalculations. COMPUTES OFF is useful, for example, if you are rebuilding a database, and a table has a computed column that calls a user-defined function that is not yet created. The rebuild would fail unless this option was set to OFF.

        The Unload utility (dbunload) writes out LOAD TABLE statements with the COMPUTES set to OFF.

      • DEFAULTS clause   By default, DEFAULTS is set to OFF. If DEFAULTS is OFF, any column not present in the list of columns is assigned NULL. If DEFAULTS is set to OFF and a non-nullable column is omitted from the list, the database server attempts to convert the empty string to the column's type. If DEFAULTS is set to ON and the column has a default value, that value is used.

      • DELIMITED BY clause   Use this clause to specify the column delimiter string. The default column delimiter string is a comma; however, it can be any string up to 255 bytes in length (for example, ... DELIMITED BY '###' ...). The same formatting requirements apply as to other SQL strings. If you want to specify tab-delimited values, you could specify the hexadecimal escape sequence for the tab character (9), ... DELIMITED BY '\x09' ....

      • ENCODING clause   Use this clause to specify the character encoding used for the data being loaded into the database. The ENCODING clause can only be used with the TEXT format.

        If a translation error occurs during the load operation, it is reported based on the setting of the on_charset_conversion_failure option. See on_charset_conversion_failure option [database].

        For more information about how to obtain the list of supported SQL Anywhere encodings, see Supported character sets.

        Specify the BYTE ORDER clause to include a byte order mark in the data.

      • ENCRYPTED clause   Use this clause to specify encryption settings. When loading encrypted data, specify ENCRYPTED KEY followed by the key used to encrypt the data in the input file.

        Specify NOT ENCRYPTED to indicate that the data in the input file is not encrypted. You can also specify NOT ENCRYPTED if the data is encrypted, but you don't want the database server to decompress it. In this case, the data remains compressed in the database. However, if a file is both encrypted and compressed, you cannot use NOT ENCRYPTED without also using NOT COMPRESSED.

      • ESCAPE CHARACTER clause   Use this clause to specify the escape character used in the data. The default escape character for characters stored as hexadecimal codes and symbols is a backslash (\), so \x0A is the linefeed character, for example. This can be changed using the ESCAPE CHARACTER clause. For example, to use the exclamation mark as the escape character, you would enter:

        Only one single-byte character can be used as an escape character.

      • ESCAPES clause   Use this clause to control whether to recognize escape characters. With ESCAPES turned ON (the default), characters following the backslash character are recognized and interpreted as special characters by the database server. Newline characters can be included as the combination \n, and other characters can be included in data as hexadecimal ASCII codes, such as \x09 for the tab character. A sequence of two backslash characters ( \\ ) is interpreted as a single backslash. A backslash followed by any character other than n, x, X, or \ is interpreted as two separate characters. For example, \q inserts a backslash and the letter q.

      • FORMAT clause   Use this clause to specify the format of the data source you are loading data from. If you choose TEXT, input lines are assumed to be characters (as defined by the ENCODING option), one row per line, with values separated by the column delimiter string. Choosing BCP allows the import of Adaptive Server Enterprise-generated BCP out files containing BLOBs.

      • HEXADECIMAL clause   Use this clause to specify whether to read binary values as hexadecimals. By default, HEXADECIMAL is ON. With HEXADECIMAL ON, binary column values are read as 0xnnnnnn..., where 0x is a zero followed by an x, and each n is a hexadecimal digit. It is important to use HEXADECIMAL ON when dealing with multibyte character sets.

        The HEXADECIMAL clause can be used only with the FORMAT TEXT clause.

      • ORDER clause   Use this clause to specify the order to sort the data into when loading. The default for ORDER is ON. If ORDER is ON, and a clustered index has been declared, then LOAD TABLE sorts the input data according to the clustered index and inserts rows in the same order. If the data you are loading is already sorted, you should set ORDER to OFF. See Using clustered indexes.

      • PCTFREE clause   Use this clause to specify the percentage of free space you want to reserve for each table page. This setting overrides any permanent setting for the table, but only for the duration of the load, and only for the data being loaded. The value percent-free-space is an integer between 0 and 100. A value of 0 specifies that no free space is to be left on each page—each page is to be fully packed. A high value causes each row to be inserted into a page by itself. For more information about PCTFREE, see CREATE TABLE statement.

      • QUOTE clause   The QUOTE clause is for TEXT data only; the string is placed around string values. The default is a single quote (apostrophe).

      • QUOTES clause   Use this clause to specify whether strings are enclosed in quotes. When QUOTES is set to ON (the default), the LOAD TABLE statement expects strings to be enclosed in quote characters. The quote character is either an apostrophe (single quote) or a quotation mark (double quote). The first such character encountered in a string is treated as the quote character for the string. Strings must be terminated by a matching quote.

        When QUOTES is set to ON, column delimiter strings can be included in column values. Also, quote characters are assumed not to be part of the value. Therefore, the following line is treated as two values, not three, despite the presence of the comma in the address. Also, the quotes surrounding the address are not inserted into the database.

        '123 High Street, Anytown',(715)398-2354

        To include a quote character in a value, when QUOTES is set to ON, you must use two quotes. The following line includes a value in the third column that is a single quote character:

        '123 High Street, Anytown','(715)398-2354',''''

      • ROW DELIMITED BY clause   Use this clause to specify the string that indicates the end of an input record. The default delimiter string is a newline (\n); however, it can be any string up to 255 bytes in length (for example, ROW DELIMITED BY '###'). The same formatting requirements apply as to other SQL strings. If you wanted to specify tab-delimited values, you could specify the hexadecimal escape sequence for the tab character (9), ROW DELIMITED BY '\x09'. If your delimiter string contains a \n, it matches either \r\n or \n.

      • SKIP clause   Use this clause to specify whether to ignore lines at the beginning of a file. The integer argument specifies the number of lines to skip. You can use this clause to skip over a line containing column headings, for example. If the row delimiter is not the default (newline), then skipping may not work correctly if the data contains the row delimiter embedded within a quoted string.

      • STRIP clause   Use this clause to specify whether unquoted values should have leading or trailing blanks stripped off before they are inserted. The STRIP option accepts the following options:

        • STRIP OFF   Do not strip off leading or trailing blanks.

        • STRIP LTRIM   Strip leading blanks.

        • STRIP RTRIM   Strip trailing blanks.

        • STRIP BOTH   Strip both leading and trailing blanks.

        • STRIP ON   Deprecated. Equivalent to STRIP RTRIM.

      • WITH CHECKPOINT clause   Use this clause to specify whether to perform a checkpoint. The default setting is OFF. If this clause is set to ON, a checkpoint is issued after successfully completing and logging the statement. If this clause is set to ON, and the database requires automatic recovery before a CHECKPOINT is issued, the data file used to load the table must be present for the recovery to complete successfully. If WITH CHECKPOINT ON is specified, and recovery is subsequently required, recovery begins after the checkpoint, and the data file need not be present.

        The data files are required, regardless of what is specified for this clause, if the database becomes corrupt and you need to use a backup and apply the current log file.


        If you set the database option conversion_error to Off, you may load bad data into your table without any error being reported. If you do not specify WITH CHECKPOINT ON, and the database needs to be recovered, the recovery may fail as conversion_error is On (the default value) during recovery. It is recommended that you do not load tables when conversion_error is set to Off and WITH CHECKPOINT ON is not specified.

        For more information on the conversion_error option, see conversion_error option [compatibility].

      • WITH { FILE NAME | ROW | CONTENT } LOGGING   Use this clause to control the level of detail logged in the transaction log during a load operation. The levels of logging are as follows:

        • WITH FILE NAME LOGGING clause   The WITH FILE NAME LOGGING clause causes only the LOAD TABLE statement to be recorded in the transaction log. To guarantee consistent results when the transaction log is used during recovery, the file used for the original load operation must be present in its original location, and must contain the original data. This level of logging does not impact performance; however, you should not use it if your database is involved in mirroring or synchronization. Also, this level can not be used when loading from an expression or a client file.

          When you do not specify a logging level in the LOAD TABLE statement, WITH FILE NAME LOGGING is the default level when specifying:

          • FROM filename-expression
          • USING FILE filename-expression

        • WITH ROW LOGGING clause   The WITH ROW LOGGING clause causes each row that is loaded to be recorded in the transaction log as an INSERT statement. This level of logging is recommended for databases involved in synchronization, and is supported in database mirroring. However, when loading large amounts of data, this logging type can impact performance, and results in a much longer transaction log.

          This level is also ideal for databases where the table being loaded into contains non-deterministic values, such as computed columns, or CURRENT TIMESTAMP defaults.

        • WITH CONTENT LOGGING clause   The WITH CONTENT LOGGING clause causes the database server to chunk together the content of the rows that are being loaded. These chunks can be reconstituted into rows later, for example during recovery from the transaction log. When loading large amounts of data, this logging type has a very low impact on performance, and offers increased data protection, but it does result in a longer transaction log. This level of logging is recommended for databases involved in mirroring, or where it is desirable to not maintain the original data files for later recovery.

          The WITH CONTENT LOGGING clause cannot be used if the database is involved in synchronization.

          When you do not specify a logging level in the LOAD TABLE statement, WITH CONTENT LOGGING is the default level when specifying:

          • USING CLIENT FILE client-filename-expression
          • USING VALUE value-expression
          • USING COLUMN column-expression

  • statistics-limitation-option   Allows you to limit the columns for which statistics are generated during the execution of LOAD TABLE. Otherwise, statistics are generated for all columns. You should only use this clause if you are certain that statistics will not be used on some columns. You can specify ON ALL COLUMNS (the default), OFF, ON KEY COLUMNS, or a list of columns for which statistics should be generated.


LOAD TABLE allows efficient mass insertion into a database table from a file. LOAD TABLE is more efficient than the Interactive SQL statement INPUT.

LOAD TABLE places a write lock on the whole table. For base tables and global temporary tables, a commit is performed. For local temporary tables, a commit is not performed

If you attempt to use LOAD TABLE on a table on which an immediate text index is built, or that is referenced by an immediate view, the load fails. This does not occur for non-immediate text indexes or materialized views; however, it is strongly recommended that you truncate the data in dependent indexes and materialized views before executing the LOAD TABLE statement, and then refresh the indexes and views after. See TRUNCATE statement, and TRUNCATE TEXT INDEX statement.

Do not use the LOAD TABLE statement on a temporary table for which ON COMMIT DELETE ROWS was specified, either explicitly or by default, at creation time. However, you can use LOAD TABLE if ON COMMIT PRESERVE ROWS or NOT TRANSACTIONAL was specified.

With FORMAT TEXT, a NULL value is indicated by specifying no value. For example, if three values are expected and the file contains 1,,'Fred',, then the values inserted are 1, NULL, and Fred. If the file contains 1,2,, then the values 1, 2, and NULL are inserted. Values that consist only of spaces are also considered NULL values. For example, if the file contains 1, ,'Fred',, then values 1, NULL, and Fred are inserted. All other values are considered not NULL. For example, '' (single-quote single-quote) is an empty string. 'NULL' is a string containing four letters.

If a column being loaded by LOAD TABLE does not allow NULL values and the file value is NULL, then numeric columns are given the value 0 (zero), character columns are given an empty string (''). If a column being loaded by LOAD TABLE allows NULL values and the file value is NULL, then the column value is NULL (for all types).

If the table contains columns a, b, and c, and the input data contains a, b, and c, but the LOAD statement only specifies only a and b as columns to load data into, the following values are inserted into column c:

  • if DEFAULTS ON is specified, and column c has a default value, the default value is used.
  • if column c does not have a default defined for it and it allows NULLs, then a NULL is used.
  • if column c does not have a default defined for it and it does not allow NULLs, then either a zero (0) or an empty string ('') is used, or an error is returned, depending on the data type of the column.

LOAD TABLE and column statistics   To create histograms on table columns, LOAD TABLE captures column statistics when it loads data. The histograms are used by the optimizer. For more information about how column statistics are used by the optimizer, see Optimizer estimates and column statistics.

Following are additional tips about loading and column statistics:

  • LOAD TABLE saves statistics on base tables for future use. It does not save statistics on global temporary tables.
  • If you are loading into an empty table that may have previously contained data, it may be beneficial to drop the statistics for the column before executing the LOAD TABLE statement. See DROP STATISTICS statement.
  • If column statistics exist when LOAD TABLE is performed on a column, statistics for the column are not recalculated. Instead, statistics for the new data are inserted into the existing statistics. This means that if the existing column statistics are out-of-date, they will still be out of date after loading new data into the column. If you suspect that the column statistics are out of date, you should consider updating them either before, or after, executing the LOAD TABLE statement. See Updating column statistics.
  • LOAD TABLE adds statistics only if the table has five or more rows. If the table has at least five rows, histograms are modified as follows:
    Data already in table? Histogram present? Action taken
    Yes Yes Integrate changes into the existing histograms
    Yes No Do not build histograms
    No Yes Integrate changes into the existing histograms
    No No Build new histograms
  • LOAD TABLE does not generate statistics for columns that contain NULL values for more than 90% of the rows being loaded.

Using dynamically constructed file names   You can execute a LOAD TABLE statement with a dynamically constructed file name by assigning the file name to a variable and using the variable name in the LOAD TABLE statement.


The permissions required to execute a LOAD TABLE statement depend on the database server -gl option, as follows:

  • If the -gl option is set to ALL, you must be the owner of the table or have DBA authority or have ALTER privileges.
  • If the -gl option is set to DBA, you must have DBA authority.
  • If the -gl option is set to NONE, LOAD TABLE is not permitted.

See -gl server option.

Requires an exclusive lock on the table.

When reading from a file on a client computer:

Side effects

Automatic commit.

Inserts are not recorded in the log file unless WITH ROW LOGGING clause is specified. Thus, the inserted rows may not be recovered in the event of a failure depending upon the logging type. In addition, the LOAD TABLE statement without the WITH ROW LOGGING clause should never be used in databases used as MobiLink clients, or in a database involved in SQL Remote replication, because these technologies replicate changes through analysis of the log file.

The LOAD TABLE statement does not fire any triggers associated with the table.

A checkpoint is carried out at the beginning of the operation. A second checkpoint is performed at the end if WITH CHECKPOINT ON is specified.

Column statistics are updated if a significant amount of data is loaded.

See also
Standards and compatibility
  • SQL/2003   Vendor extension.


Following is an example of LOAD TABLE. First, you create a table, and then load data into it using a file called input.txt.

CREATE TABLE t( a CHAR(100), let_me_default INT DEFAULT 1, c CHAR(100) );

Following is the content of a file called input.txt:

ignore_me, this_is_for_column_c, this_is_for_column_a

The following LOAD statement loads the file called input.txt:

LOAD TABLE T ( filler(), c, a ) FROM 'input.txt' FORMAT TEXT DEFAULTS ON;

The command SELECT * FROM t yields the result set:

a let_me_default c
this_is_for_column_a 1 this_is_for_column_c

The following example executes the LOAD TABLE statement with a dynamically-constructed file name, via the EXECUTE IMMEDIATE statement:

    SET path = 'd:\\data\\' || from_file;
    LOAD MyTable FROM path;

The following example loads UTF-8-encoded table data into mytable:

LOAD TABLE mytable FROM 'mytable_data_in_utf8.dat' ENCODING 'UTF-8';