Application development

  • New cursor types   The cursors supplied by Adaptive Server Anywhere have been enhanced to provide cleaner semantics, to better match new cursor types such as keyset-driven cursors, and to take advantage of the new query optimization possibilities.

    For more information, see SQL Anywhere cursors.

  • Improved fetching for long columns   The amount of data that can be fetched in a single operation has been increased from 32 KB to a configurable value with a default of 256 KB. In ODBC the value can be set using the SQL_ATTR_MAX_LENGTH statement attribute. In embedded SQL, use the DT_LONGVARCHAR and DT_LONGBINARY types.

    For more information, see Retrieving data and Sending and retrieving long values.

  • New embedded SQL function to obtain database properties   The function db_get_property can be used to obtain database properties.

    For more information, see db_get_property function. For information on database properties, see Understanding database properties.

  • blocking_timeout option   The new blocking_timeout option lets you control how long a transaction waits to obtain a lock.

    For more information, see blocking_timeout option [database].

  • return_date_time_as_string option   The return_date_time_as_string option allows you to control how date, time, and timestamp values are returned over jConnect and Open Client.

    For more information, see return_date_time_as_string option [database].