Understanding database properties

SQL Anywhere provides a set of properties that are made available to client applications. These properties describe aspects of connection, database, and database server behavior. Property names are case insensitive.

Accessing properties

Each type of property can be accessed by supplying its name as an argument to a system function.

To access connection properties

  • Use the CONNECTION_PROPERTY system function: the following statement returns the number of pages that have been read from file by the current connection.


To access database properties

  • Use the DB_PROPERTY system function. For example, the following statement returns the page size of the current database:

    SELECT DB_PROPERTY ( 'PageSize' );

To access database server properties

  • Use the PROPERTY system function: the following statement returns the number of cache pages used for global server data structures.

    SELECT PROPERTY ( 'MainHeapPages' );
See also

Connection-level properties
Server-level properties
Database-level properties