-policy option

Specifies a policy that determines when message transmission occurs.

qauagent -policy policy-type ...
policy-type: ondemand | scheduled[ interval-in-seconds ] | automatic | rules-file

QAnywhere uses a policy to determine when message transmission occurs. The policy-type can be one of the following values:

  • on demand   Only transmit messages when the QAnywhere client application makes the appropriate method call.

    The QAManager PutMessage() method causes messages to be queued locally. These messages are not transmitted to the server until the QAManager TriggerSendReceive() method is called. Similarly, messages waiting on the server are not sent to the client until TriggerSendReceive() is called by the client.

    When using the on demand policy, the application is responsible for causing a message transmission to occur when it receives a push notification from the server. A push notification causes a system message to be delivered to the QAnywhere client. In your application, you may choose to respond to this system message by calling TriggerSendReceive().

    For an example, see System queue.

  • scheduled   Transmit messages at a specified interval. The default value is 900 seconds (15 minutes).

    Transmission of messages between the client and the server takes place at a specified time interval.

    The QAManager PutMessage() method causes messages to be queued locally. These messages are not transmitted until the time interval has elapsed. Messages queued on the server for delivery to the client are also transmitted when the time interval has elapsed.

    If push notifications are enabled, messages queued on the server for delivery to the client are transmitted when the next time interval elapses.

    TriggerSendReceive() can override the time interval. It forces a message transmission to occur before the time interval elapses.

    The optional interval argument is the number of seconds between send/receive operations. For example, the following command schedules the QAnywhere UltraLite Agent to send/receive messages every 20 minutes:

    qauagent.exe -policy scheduled[1200]

  • automatic   Transmit messages when one of the events described below occurs.

    The QAnywhere UltraLite Agent attempts to keep message queues as current as possible. Any of the following events cause messages queued on the client to be delivered to the server and messages queued on the server to be delivered to the client:

    • Invoking PutMessage().
    • Invoking TriggerSendReceive().
    • A push notification.

      For information about notifications, see Scenario for messaging with push notifications.

    • A message status change on the client. For example, a status change occurs when an application retrieves a message from a local queue which causes the message status to change from pending to received.

  • rules-file   Specifies a client transmission rules file. The transmission rules file can indicate a more complicated set of rules to determine when messages are transmitted.

    See Client transmission rules.

See also