Client transmission rules

Client transmission rules govern the behavior of messages going from the client to the server. Client transmission rules are handled by the QAnywhere Agent.

By default, the QAnywhere Agent uses the automatic policy. You can change and customize this behavior by specifying a transmission rules file as the transmission policy for the QAnywhere Agent.

The following partial qaagent command line shows how to specify a rules file for the QAnywhere Agent:

qaagent -policy myrules.txt ...

For a complete description of how to write transmission rules, see Rule syntax.

For more information about policies, see:

For information about client delete rules, see Client delete rules.

The transmission rules file holds the following kinds of entry:

  • Rules   No more than one rule can be entered per line.

    Each rule must be entered on a single line, but you can use \ as a line continuation character.

  • Comments   Comments are indicated by a line beginning with either a # or ; character. Any characters on that line are ignored.

See Rule syntax and Condition syntax.

You can also use transmission rules files to determine when messages are to be deleted from the message stores.

See Message delete rules.

You can also use the Sybase Central QAnywhere plug-in to create a QAnywhere Agent rules file.


For example, the following client transmission rules file specifies that during business hours only small high priority messages should be transmitted, while outside of business hours, any message can be transmitted. This rule is automatic, which indicates that if the condition is satisfied, the message is transmitted immediately. This example demonstrates that conditions can use information derived from the message as well as other information such as the current time.

automatic=(ias_ContentSize < 100000 AND ias_Priority > 7 ) \
 OR datepart(Weekday,ias_CurrentDate) in ( 1, 7 ) \
 OR ias_CurrentTime < datetime('8:00:00') \
 OR ias_CurrentTime > datetime('18:00:00')