Starting QAnywhere with MobiLink enabled

QAnywhere uses MobiLink synchronization to transport messages. The QAnywhere server is a MobiLink server with messaging enabled. See Setting up a consolidated database.

To run the QAnywhere server, start the MobiLink server (mlsrv11) with the following options:

  • -c connection-string   Specifies the connection string to connect to the server message store. This is a required mlsrv11 option.

    See -c option.

  • -m   Enables QAnywhere messaging.

    See -m option.

You can also use other MobiLink server options to customize your operations. For more information, see mlsrv11 syntax.


To start QAnywhere messaging when you are using the sample server message store (samples-dir\QAnywhere\server\qanyserv.db), run the following command:

mlsrv11 -m -c "dsn=QAnywhere 11 Demo"

The QAnywhere sample server message store uses the following ODBC data source: QAnywhere 11 Demo.


For information about samples-dir, see Samples directory.