Setting up a consolidated database

Setup scripts

To set up a database so that it can be used as a MobiLink consolidated database, you must run a setup script. Your SQL Anywhere installation includes a script for each of the supported RDBMSs. These scripts are all located in the MobiLink\setup subdirectory of your SQL Anywhere installation.


If you use the Create Synchronization Model Wizard to create your MobiLink application, the wizard checks whether your database needs to be set up, and automatically runs the appropriate setup script. See Introduction to MobiLink models.

The MobiLink setup script adds MobiLink system tables, stored procedures, triggers, and views to your database. These tables and procedures are required for MobiLink synchronization.

For information about the MobiLink system tables that are installed, see MobiLink server system tables.

For information about the stored procedures that are installed, see MobiLink system procedures.

You can view each setup script in a text editor if you want to check what it does.


The database user who runs the setup scripts is given permission to update the MobiLink system tables, which is required to start the MobiLink server and to configure MobiLink. See Required permissions.

For instructions on how to run the setup scripts, see the section for your RDBMS:


If the consolidated database you are setting up is to be used as a QAnywhere Server Store, the database should be configured to be case insensitive for comparisons and string operations.

ODBC connection

The MobiLink server needs an ODBC connection to your consolidated database. You must configure the appropriate ODBC driver for your server and create an ODBC data source for the database on the computer where your MobiLink server is running.

For more information about MobiLink ODBC drivers, see iAnywhere Solutions ODBC drivers for MobiLink.

For updated information and complete functional specifications of the ODBC drivers you can use with MobiLink, see [external link] Recommended ODBC Drivers for MobiLink.

MobiLink system database