Rule variables

QAnywhere rule variables can be used in the condition part of rules. You can use the following as rule variables:

Using properties as rule variables

Message properties and message store properties can be used as transmission rule variables. In both cases you can use pre-defined properties or you can create custom properties. If you have a message property and a message store property with the same name, the message property is used. To override this precedence, you can explicitly reference the property as follows:

  • Preface a message store property name with ias_Store.
  • Preface a message property name with ias_Message.

For example, the following automatic transmission rule selects all messages with the custom message property called urgent set to yes:

automatic = ias_Message.urgent = 'yes'

The following automatic transmission rule selects messages when the custom message store property transmitNow is set to yes:

automatic = ias_Store.transmitNow = 'yes'

Variables defined by the rule engine