Client message store properties

There are two types of client message store property:

  • Pre-defined message store properties   These message store properties are always prefixed with ias_ or IAS_.

  • Custom message store properties   These are message store properties that you define. You cannot prefix them with ias_ or IAS_.

You can access client message store properties using the get and set methods defined in the appropriate class and pass the name of the pre-defined or custom property as the first parameter.

See Managing client message store properties.

You can also use message store properties in transmission rules, delete rules, and message selectors. See:

Pre-defined client message store properties

A number of client message store properties have been pre-defined for your convenience. The predefined message store properties are:

For detailed information about client message store pre-defined properties, see:

Custom client message store properties

QAnywhere allows you to define your own client message store properties using the QAnywhere C++, Java, SQL or .NET APIs. These properties are shared between applications connected to the same message store. They are also synchronized to the server message store so that they are available to server-side transmission rules for this client.

Client message store property names are case insensitive. You can use a sequence of letters, digits, and underscores, but the first character must be a letter. The following names are reserved and may not be used as message store property names:

Client message store properties can have attributes that you define. An attribute is defined by appending a dot after the property name followed by the attribute name. The main use of this feature is to be able to use information about your network in your transmission rules.

Limited support is provided for property attributes when using UltraLite as a client message store. UltraLite message stores only support the predefined ias_Network property.

For me detailed information about using customer client message store properties, see: