Scheduled policy

The scheduled policy instructs the Agent to perform a transmission at a specified time interval.

To invoke a schedule, choose scheduled in the Command File Properties window or specify the keyword when you start the QAnywhere Agent:

qaagent -policy scheduled [ interval ] ...

where interval is in seconds.

The default is 900 seconds (15 minutes).

When a schedule is specified, every n seconds the Agent performs message transmission if any of the following conditions are met:

  • New messages were placed in the client message store since the previous time interval elapsed.
  • A message status change occurred since the previous time interval elapsed. This typically occurs when a message is acknowledged by the application.

    For more information about acknowledgement, see:

  • A push notification was received since the previous time interval elapsed.
  • A network status change notification was received since the previous time interval elapsed.
  • Push notifications are disabled.

You can call the trigger send/receive method to override the time interval. It forces message transmission to occur before the time interval elapses. See: