AcknowledgementMode enumeration

Indicates how messages should be acknowledged by QAnywhere client applications.

Visual Basic
Public Enum AcknowledgementMode
public enum AcknowledgementMode

The implicit and explicit acknowledgement modes are assigned to a QAManager instance using the QAManager.Open(AcknowledgementMode) method.

For more information, see Initializing a QAnywhere API.

With implicit acknowledgement, messages are acknowledged as soon as they are received by a client application. With explicit acknowledgement, you must call one of the QAManager acknowledgement methods. The server propagates all status changes from client to client.

For more information, see Receiving messages synchronously and Receiving messages asynchronously.

Member name
Member name Description


Indicates that received messages are acknowledged using one of the QAManager acknowledge methods.


Indicates that all messages are acknowledged as soon as they are received by a client application. If you receive messages synchronously, messages are acknowledged as soon as the QAManagerBase.GetMessage(string) method returns. If you receive messages asynchronously, the message is acknowledged as soon as the event handling function returns.


This mode indicates that messages are only acknowledged as part of the ongoing transaction. This mode is automatically assigned to QATransactionalManager instances.

See also