QAManagerBase class

public QAManagerBase
Derived classes

This class acts as a base class for QATransactionalManager and QAManager, which manage transactional and non-transactional messaging, respectively.

Use the QAManagerBase.start() method to allow a QAManagerBase instance to listen for messages. There must be only a single instance of QAManagerBase per thread in your application.

You can use instances of this class to create and manage QAnywhere messages. Use the QAManagerBase.createBinaryMessage() method and the QAManagerBase.createTextMessage() method to create appropriate QAMessage instances. QAMessage instances provide a variety of methods to set message content and properties. To send QAnywhere messages, use the QAManager.putMessage() to place the addressed message in the local message store queue. The message is transmitted by the QAnywhere Agent based on its transmission policies or when you call the QAManagerBase.triggerSendReceive().

For more information about qaagent transmission policies, see Determining when message transmission should occur on the client.

Messages are released from memory when you close a QAManagerBase instance using the QAManagerBase.close().

You can use QAManagerBase.getLastError, QAManagerBase.getLastErrorMessage, and QAManagerBase.getLastNativeError to return error information when a QAException occurs. QAManagerBase also provides methods to set and get message store properties.

For more information, see Client message store properties and the MessageStoreProperties class.

See Also

QATransactionalManager class

QAManager class


All members of QAManagerBase, including all inherited members.

beginEnumStorePropertyNames function
browseClose function
browseMessages function
browseMessagesByID function
browseMessagesByQueue function
browseMessagesBySelector function
browseNextMessage function
cancelMessage function
close function
createBinaryMessage function
createTextMessage function
deleteMessage function
endEnumStorePropertyNames function
getAllQueueDepth function
getBooleanStoreProperty function
getByteStoreProperty function
getDoubleStoreProperty function
getFloatStoreProperty function
getIntStoreProperty function
getLastError function
getLastErrorMsg function
getLastNativeError function
getLongStoreProperty function
getMessage function
getMessageBySelector function
getMessageBySelectorNoWait function
getMessageBySelectorTimeout function
getMessageNoWait function
getMessageTimeout function
getMode function
getQueueDepth function
getShortStoreProperty function
getStringStoreProperty function
nextStorePropertyName function
putMessage function
putMessageTimeToLive function
setBooleanStoreProperty function
setByteStoreProperty function
setDoubleStoreProperty function
setFloatStoreProperty function
setIntStoreProperty function
setLongStoreProperty function
setMessageListener function
setMessageListenerBySelector function
setProperty function
setShortStoreProperty function
setStringStoreProperty function
start function
stop function
triggerSendReceive function