QAManagerBase members

Public properties
Member name Description
LastError property

The error code associated with the last executed QAManagerBase method.

LastErrorMessage property

The error text associated with the last executed QAManagerBase method.

Mode property

Returns the QAManager acknowledgement mode for received messages.

Public methods
Member name Description
BrowseMessages method

Browses all available messages in the message store.

BrowseMessages method

This method is deprecated. Use the BrowseMessagesByQueue(string) method instead.

BrowseMessagesByID method

Browses the message with the given message ID.

BrowseMessagesByQueue method

Browses the next available messages waiting that have been sent to the given address.

BrowseMessagesBySelector method

Browses messages queued in the message store that satisfy the given selector.

CancelMessage method

Cancels the message with the given message ID.

Close method

Closes the connection to the QAnywhere message system and releases any resources used by the QAManagerBase.

CreateBinaryMessage method

Creates a QABinaryMessage object.

CreateTextMessage method

Creates a QATextMessage object.

GetBooleanStoreProperty method

Gets a boolean value for a pre-defined or custom message store property.

GetDoubleStoreProperty method

Gets a double value for a pre-defined or custom message store property.

GetFloatStoreProperty method

Gets a float value for a pre-defined or custom message store property.

GetIntStoreProperty method

Gets a int value for a pre-defined or custom message store property.

GetLongStoreProperty method

Gets a long value for a pre-defined or custom message store property.

GetMessage method

Returns the next available QAMessage sent to the specified address.

GetMessageBySelector method

Returns the next available QAMessage sent to the specified address that satisfies the given selector.

GetMessageBySelectorNoWait method

Returns the next available QAMessage sent to the given address that satisfies the given selector.

GetMessageBySelectorTimeout method

Returns the next available QAMessage sent to the given address that satisfies the given selector.

GetMessageNoWait method

Returns the next available QAMessage sent to the given address.

GetMessageTimeout method

Returns the next available QAMessage sent to the given address.

GetQueueDepth method

Returns the depth of a queue, based on a given filter.

GetQueueDepth method

Returns the total depth of all queues, based on a given filter.

GetSbyteStoreProperty method

Gets a signed byte value for a pre-defined or custom message store property.

GetShortStoreProperty method

Gets a short value for a pre-defined or custom message store property.

GetStoreProperty method

Gets a System.Object representing a message store property.

GetStorePropertyNames method

Gets an enumerator over the message store property names.

GetStringStoreProperty method

Gets a string value for a pre-defined or custom message store property.

PutMessage method

Prepares a message to send to another QAnywhere client.

PutMessageTimeToLive method

Prepares a message to send to another QAnywhere client.

SetBooleanStoreProperty method

Sets a pre-defined or custom message store property to a boolean value.

SetDoubleStoreProperty method

Sets a pre-defined or custom message store property to a double value.

SetExceptionListener method

Sets an ExceptionListener delegate delegate to receive QAExceptions when processing QAnywhere messages asynchronously.

SetExceptionListener2 method

Sets an ExceptionListener2 delegate delegate to receive QAExceptions when processing QAnywhere messages asynchronously.

SetFloatStoreProperty method

Sets a pre-defined or custom message store property to a float value.

SetIntStoreProperty method

Sets a pre-defined or custom message store property to a int value.

SetLongStoreProperty method

Sets a pre-defined or custom message store property to a long value.

SetMessageListener method

Sets a MessageListener delegate delegate to receive QAnywhere messages asynchronously.

SetMessageListener2 method

Sets a MessageListener2 delegate delegate to receive QAnywhere messages asynchronously.

SetMessageListenerBySelector method

Sets a MessageListener delegate delegate to receive QAnywhere messages asynchronously, with a message selector.

SetMessageListenerBySelector2 method

Sets a MessageListener2 delegate delegate to receive QAnywhere messages asynchronously, with a message selector.

SetProperty method

Allows you to set QAnywhere Manager configuration properties programmatically.

SetSbyteStoreProperty method

Sets a pre-defined or custom message store property to a sbyte value.

SetShortStoreProperty method

Sets a pre-defined or custom message store property to a short value.

SetStoreProperty method

Sets a pre-defined or custom message store property to a System.Object value.

SetStringStoreProperty method

Sets a pre-defined or custom message store property to a string value.

Start method

Starts the QAManagerBase for receiving incoming messages in message listeners.

Stop method

Stops the QAManagerBase's reception of incoming messages.

TriggerSendReceive method

Causes a synchronization with the QAnywhere message server, uploading any messages addressed to other clients, and downloading any messages addressed to the local client.