SetExceptionListener2 method

Sets an ExceptionListener2 delegate delegate to receive QAExceptions when processing QAnywhere messages asynchronously.

Visual Basic
Public Sub SetExceptionListener2( _
   ByVal address As String, _
   ByVal listener As ExceptionListener2 _
public void SetExceptionListener2(
   string  address,
   ExceptionListener2 listener
  • address   The address of messages.

  • listener   The exception listener to register.


ExceptionListener2 delegate accepts QAManagerBase, QAException and QAMessage parameters. You may set an ExceptionListener2 and a MessageListener2 for a given address, but you must be consistent with the Listener/Listener2 delegates. That is, you cannot set an ExceptionListener and a MessageListener2, nor an ExceptionListener2 and a MessageListener, for the same address.

For more information, see Receiving messages asynchronously.