Deploying the MobiLink server

The simplest way to deploy a MobiLink server into a production environment is to install a licensed copy of SQL Anywhere onto the production computer.

However, if you are redistributing a MobiLink server in a separate installation program, you may want to include only a subset of the files. In this case, you need to include the following files in your installation.

  • Test on a clean computer before redistributing.
  • Files must be installed within the SQL Anywhere installation directory, with the exception of samples.
  • The files should be in the same directory unless otherwise noted.
  • When a location is given, the files must be copied into a directory of the same name.
  • On Unix, environment variables must be set for the system to locate SQL Anywhere applications and libraries. It is recommended that you use the appropriate file for your shell, either or sa_config.csh (located in the directory install-dir/bin32 for 32-bit environments and install-dir/bin64 for 64-bit environments) as a template for setting the required environment variables. Some of the environment variables set by the sa_config files include PATH, LD_LIBRARY_PATH, SQLANY11, and SQLANYSAMP11.
  • On Windows, the PATH environment variable must be set for the system to locate SQL Anywhere applications and libraries. Check the PATH variable to ensure that it includes the install-dir/bin32 directory for 32-bit environments or the install-dir/bin64 directory for 64-bit environments. If both entries exist, remove the path that does not apply to your environment.
  • To use Java synchronization logic, and to use the graphical administration tools (Sybase Central and the MobiLink Monitor), you must have JRE 1.6.0 installed.
  • To deploy Sybase Central, see Deploying administration tools.
  • There is a deployment wizard for Windows. See Using the Deployment Wizard.
Windows 32-bit applications

All directories are relative to your SQL Anywhere installation directory. For more details on the file structure of a 64-bit Windows environment, see Windows 64-bit applications.

Description Windows files
MobiLink server
  • bin32\mlodbc11.dll
  • bin32\mlsrv11.exe
  • bin32\mlsrv11.lic
  • bin32\mlsql11.dll
  • bin32\dbicu11.dll
  • bin32\dbicudt11.dll
Language library
  • bin32\dblgen11.dll1
Synchronization stream libraries (to support version 8 and 9 clients)
  • bin32\mlhttp11.dll
  • bin32\mlsock11.dll
Java synchronization logic
  • java\activation.jar2
  • java\imap.jar2
  • java\jodbc.jar
  • java\log4j.jar2
  • java\mailapi.jar2
  • java\mlscript.jar
  • java\mlsupport.jar
  • java\pop3.jar2
  • java\smtp.jar2
  • bin32\mljava11.dll
  • bin32\dbjodbc11.dll
  • bin32\mljodbc11.dll
.NET synchronization logic
  • MobiLink\setup\dnet\mlDomConfig.xml
  • bin32\mldnet11.dll
  • bin32\dnetodbc11.dll
  • Assembly\v2\iAnywhere.MobiLink.dll
  • Assembly\v2\iAnywhere.MobiLink.Script.dll
  • Assembly\v2\iAnywhere.MobiLink.Script.xml
  • bin32\mlDomConfig.xsd
Security option for version 10 clients (mlsrv11 -x)3
  • bin32\mlecc_tls11.dll
  • bin32\mlrsa_tls11.dll
  • bin32\mlrsa_tls_fips11.dll
  • bin32\sbgse2.dll
Security option3 for version 8 and 9 clients (mlsrv11 -xo)5
  • bin32\mlhttps11.dll
  • bin32\mlhttpsfips11.dll
  • bin32\mlrsafips11.dll
  • bin32\mljrsa11.dll
  • bin32\mljtls11.dll
  • bin32\mlrsa11.dll
  • bin32\mltls11.dll
  • bin32\defaultmem.dll
  • bin32\libsb.dll
Setup scripts (deploy the ones for your consolidated database)
  • MobiLink\setup\
  • MobiLink\upgrade\
mluser utility
  • bin32\mluser.exe
  • bin32\mlodbc11.dll
  • bin32\dbicu11.dll
  • bin32\dbicudt11.dll
mlstop utility
  • bin32\mlstop.exe
  • bin32\dbicu11.dll
MobiLink Monitor
  • java\mlmon.jar
  • java\JComponents1100.jar
  • java\mlstream.jar
  • java\jsyblib600.jar
  • Sun\JavaHelp-2_0\jh.jar
  • Sun\jaxb1.0\
  • bin32\jsyblib600.dll
  • bin32\mlmon.exe

For security with the Monitor:3

  • bin32\mlcecc11.dll
  • bin32\mlcrsa11.dll
  • bin32\mlcrsafips11.dll
  • bin32\mlczlib11.dll
Online help for the MobiLink plug-in and Monitor
  • \documentation\en\htmlhelp\dbadmin_en11.chm1
  • \documentation\en\htmlhelp\dbadmin_en11.map1
MobiLink Redirector
  • MobiLink\redirector
  • java\activation.jar2
  • java\jodbc.jar
  • java\log4j.jar4
  • java\mailapi.jar2
  • java\mlnotif.jar
  • java\mlscript.jar
  • java\smtp.jar2
  • bin32\mljodbc11.dll
  • bin32\mljstrm11.dll
MobiLink server files required by QAnywhere
  • Notifier files
  • java\commons-logging.jar
  • java\commons-codec-1.3.jar
  • java\commons-httpclient-3.0.jar
  • java\jsyblib600.jar
  • java\log4j.jar4
  • java\mlscript.jar
  • java\mlstream.jar
  • java\qaconnector.jar
  • bin32\jsyblib600.dll

1 For German, Japanese, and Chinese editions, substitute en with de, ja, and zh, respectively.

2 If you are redistributing an application, you must obtain these files directly from Sun.

3 ECC and FIPS require that you obtain the separately-licensed SQL Anywhere security option and is subject to export regulations. RSA security is included with SQL Anywhere for version 10 and later. To order this component, see Separately licensed components.

4 If you are redistributing an application, you must obtain this file directly from Apache.

5 You must also create a registry key called HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Certicom\libsb and add a REG_BINARY value named expectedtag with the data 5B0F4FA6E24AEF3B4407052EB04902711FD991B6.

Windows 64-bit applications

All directories are relative to your SQL Anywhere installation directory. For more details on the file structure of a 32-bit Windows environment, see Windows 32-bit applications.

Description Windows files
MobiLink server
  • bin64\mlodbc11.dll
  • bin64\mlsrv11.exe
  • bin64\mlsrv11.lic
  • bin64\mlsql11.dll
  • bin64\dbicu11.dll
  • bin64\dbicudt11.dll
Language library
  • bin64\dblgen11.dll1
Synchronization stream libraries (to support version 8 and 9 clients)
  • bin64\mlhttp11.dll
  • bin64\mlsock11.dll
Java synchronization logic
  • java\activation.jar2
  • java\imap.jar2
  • java\jodbc.jar
  • java\log4j.jar2
  • java\mailapi.jar2
  • java\mlscript.jar
  • java\mlsupport.jar
  • java\pop3.jar2
  • java\smtp.jar2
  • bin64\mljava11.dll
  • bin64\dbjodbc11.dll
  • bin64\mljodbc11.dll
.NET synchronization logic
  • MobiLink\setup\dnet\mlDomConfig.xml
  • bin64\mldnet11.dll
  • bin64\dnetodbc11.dll
  • Assembly\v2\iAnywhere.MobiLink.dll
  • Assembly\v2\iAnywhere.MobiLink.Script.dll
  • Assembly\v2\iAnywhere.MobiLink.Script.xml
  • bin64\mlDomConfig.xsd
Security option for version 10 clients (mlsrv11 -x)3
  • bin64\mlecc_tls11.dll
  • bin64\mlrsa_tls11.dll
  • bin64\mlrsa_tls_fips11.dll
  • bin64\sbgse2.dll
Security option3 for version 8 and 9 clients (mlsrv11 -xo)5
  • bin64\mlhttps11.dll
  • bin64\mlhttpsfips11.dll
  • bin64\mlrsafips11.dll
  • bin64\mljrsa11.dll
  • bin64\mljtls11.dll
  • bin64\mlrsa11.dll
  • bin64\mltls11.dll
  • bin64\defaultmem.dll
  • bin64\libsb.dll
Setup scripts (deploy the ones for your consolidated database)
  • MobiLink\setup\
  • MobiLink\upgrade\
mluser utility
  • bin64\mluser.exe
  • bin64\mlodbc11.dll
  • bin64\dbicu11.dll
  • bin64\dbicudt11.dll
mlstop utility
  • bin64\mlstop.exe
  • bin64\dbicu11.dll
MobiLink Monitor
  • java\mlmon.jar
  • java\JComponents1100.jar
  • java\mlstream.jar
  • java\jsyblib600.jar
  • Sun\JavaHelp-2_0\jh.jar
  • Sun\jaxb1.0\
  • bin64\jsyblib600.dll
  • bin64\mlmon.exe

For security with the Monitor:3

  • bin64\mlcecc11.dll
  • bin64\mlcrsa11.dll
  • bin64\mlcrsafips11.dll
  • bin64\mlczlib11.dll
Online help for the MobiLink plug-in and Monitor
  • \documentation\en\htmlhelp\dbadmin_en11.chm1
  • \documentation\en\htmlhelp\dbadmin_en11.map1
MobiLink Redirector
  • MobiLink\redirector
  • java\activation.jar2
  • java\jodbc.jar
  • java\log4j.jar4
  • java\mailapi.jar2
  • java\mlnotif.jar
  • java\mlscript.jar
  • java\smtp.jar2
  • bin64\mljodbc11.dll
  • bin64\mljstrm11.dll
MobiLink server files required by QAnywhere
  • Notifier files
  • java\commons-logging.jar
  • java\commons-codec-1.3.jar
  • java\commons-httpclient-3.0.jar
  • java\jsyblib600.jar
  • java\log4j.jar4
  • java\mlscript.jar
  • java\mlstream.jar
  • java\qaconnector.jar
  • bin64\jsyblib600.dll

1 For German, Japanese, and Chinese editions, substitute en with de, ja, and zh, respectively.

2 If you are redistributing an application, you must obtain these files directly from Sun.

3 ECC and FIPS require that you obtain the separately-licensed SQL Anywhere security option and is subject to export regulations. RSA security is included with SQL Anywhere for version 10 and later. To order this component, see Separately licensed components.

4 If you are redistributing an application, you must obtain this file directly from Apache.

5 You must also create a registry key called HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Certicom\libsb and add a REG_BINARY value named expectedtag with the data 5B0F4FA6E24AEF3B4407052EB04902711FD991B6.

Unix 32-bit applications on UNIX, Linux, and Macintosh

All directories are relative to your SQL Anywhere installation directory. For more details on the file structure of a 64-bit Unix environment, see Unix 64-bit applications on UNIX and Linux.

Description Unix files
MobiLink server
  • bin32/mlsrv11
  • bin32/mlsrv11.lic
  • lib32/libdbodm11_r.so3
  • lib32/libmlodbc11_r.so3
  • lib32/libmlsql11_r.so3
  • lib32/libdbtasks11_r.so3
  • lib32/libdbicu11_r.so3
  • lib32/libdbicudt11_r.so3
  • lib32/libdbodbcinst11_r.so3
Language library
  • res/dblgen11.res1
Synchronization stream libraries for version 8 and 9 clients (deploy the ones you use)
  • lib32/libmlhttp11_r.so3
  • lib32/libmlsock11_r.so3
Java synchronization logic
  • java/activation.jar2
  • java/imap.jar2
  • java/jodbc.jar
  • java/log4j.jar5
  • java/mailapi.jar2
  • java/mlscript.jar
  • java/mlsupport.jar
  • java/pop3.jar2
  • java/smtp.jar2
  • lib32/libmljava11_r.so3
  • lib32/libmljodbc11.so3
.NET synchronization logic
  • Not applicable
Security option for version 10 clients (mlsrv11 -x)4
  • lib32/libmlecc_tls11_r.so3
  • lib32/libmlrsa_tls11_r.so3
Security option for version 8 and 9 clients (mlsrv11 -xo)4
  • lib32/libmlhttps11_r.so3
  • lib32/libmljrsa11_r.so3
  • lib32/libmljtls11_r.so3
  • lib32/libmlrsa11_r.so3
  • lib32/libmltls11_r.so3
Setup scripts (deploy the ones for your consolidated database)
  • MobiLink/setup
  • MobiLink/upgrade
mluser utility
  • bin32/mluser
  • lib32/libmlodbc11_r.so3
  • lib32/libdbicu11.so3
  • lib32/libdbicudt11.so3
mlstop utility
  • bin32/mlstop
  • lib32/libdbicu11.so3
MobiLink Monitor
  • bin32/mlmon
  • java/mlmon.jar
  • java/mlstream.jar
  • lib32/libjsyblib600_r.so3
  • sun/JavaHelp-2_0/jh.jar
  • sun/jaxb1.0/
  • java/JComponents1100.jar
  • java/jsyblib600.jar
MobiLink Redirector
  • Mobilink/redirector/redirector.config
  • MobiLink/redirector/apache/
  • MobiLink/redirector/java/
  • MobiLink/redirector/MBusinessAnywhere/
  • MobiLink/redirector/nsapi/
Online help for the MobiLink plug-in and MobiLink Monitor
  • java/sqlanywhere_en11.jar1
  • java/activation.jar2
  • java/jodbc.jar
  • java/log4j.jar2
  • java/mailapi.jar2
  • java/mlnotif.jar
  • java/mlscript.jar
  • java/smtp.jar2
  • lib32/libmljstrm11_r.so3
MobiLink server files required by QAnywhere
  • Notifier files
  • java/commons-codec-1.3.jar
  • java/commons-httpclient-3.0.jar
  • java/commons-logging.jar
  • java/jsyblib600.jar
  • java/log4j.jar5
  • java/mlscript.jar
  • java/mlstream.jar
  • java/qaconnector.jar
  • lib32/libjsyblib600_r.so3

1 For German, Japanese, and Chinese editions, substitute en with de, ja, and zh, respectively.

2 If you are redistributing an application, you must obtain these files directly from Sun.

3 For Linux, the file extension is .so. For Macintosh, the file extension is .dylib.

4 Transport-layer security requires that you obtain the separately-licensed SQL Anywhere security option and is subject to export regulations. To order this component, see Separately licensed components.

5 If you are redistributing an application, you must obtain these files directly from Apache.

Unix 64-bit applications on UNIX and Linux

All directories are relative to your SQL Anywhere installation directory. For more details on the file structure of a 32-bit Unix environment, see Unix 32-bit applications on UNIX, Linux, and Macintosh.

Description Unix files
MobiLink server
  • bin64/mlsrv11
  • bin64/mlsrv11.lic
  • lib64/libdbodm11_r.so3
  • lib64/libmlodbc11_r.so3
  • lib64/libmlsql11_r.so3
  • lib64/libdbtasks11_r.so3
  • lib64/libdbicu11_r.so3
  • lib64/libdbicudt11_r.so3
  • lib64/libdbodbcinst11_r.so3
Language library
  • res/dblgen11.res1
Synchronization stream libraries for version 8 and 9 clients (deploy the ones you use)
  • lib64/libmlhttp11_r.so3
  • lib64/libmlsock11_r.so3
Java synchronization logic
  • java/activation.jar2
  • java/imap.jar2
  • java/jodbc.jar
  • java/log4j.jar5
  • java/mailapi.jar2
  • java/mlscript.jar
  • java/mlsupport.jar
  • java/pop3.jar2
  • java/smtp.jar2
  • lib64/libmljava11_r.so3
  • lib64/libmljodbc11.so3
.NET synchronization logic
  • Not applicable
Security option for version 10 clients (mlsrv11 -x)4
  • lib64/libmlecc_tls11_r.so3
  • lib64/libmlrsa_tls11_r.so3
Security option for version 8 and 9 clients (mlsrv11 -xo)4
  • lib64/libmlhttps11_r.so3
  • lib64/libmljrsa11_r.so3
  • lib64/libmljtls11_r.so3
  • lib64/libmlrsa11_r.so3
  • lib64/libmltls11_r.so3
Setup scripts (deploy the ones for your consolidated database)
  • MobiLink/setup
  • MobiLink/upgrade
mluser utility
  • bin64/mluser
  • lib64/libmlodbc11_r.so3
  • lib64/libdbicu11.so3
  • lib64/libdbicudt11.so3
mlstop utility
  • bin64/mlstop
  • lib64/libdbicu11.so3
MobiLink Monitor
  • bin64/mlmon
  • java/mlmon.jar
  • java/mlstream.jar
  • lib64/libjsyblib600_r.so3
  • sun/JavaHelp-2_0/jh.jar
  • sun/jaxb1.0
  • java/JComponents1100.jar
  • java/jsyblib600.jar
MobiLink Redirector
  • Mobilink/redirector/redirector.config
  • MobiLink/redirector/apache/
  • MobiLink/redirector/java/
  • MobiLink/redirector/MBusinessAnywhere/
  • MobiLink/redirector/nsapi/
Online help for the MobiLink plug-in and MobiLink Monitor
  • java/sqlanywhere_en11.jar1
  • java/activation.jar2
  • java/jodbc.jar
  • java/log4j.jar2
  • java/mailapi.jar2
  • java/mlnotif.jar
  • java/mlscript.jar
  • java/smtp.jar2
MobiLink server files required by QAnywhere
  • Notifier files
  • java/commons-codec-1.3.jar
  • java/commons-httpclient-3.0.jar
  • java/commons-logging.jar
  • java/jsyblib600.jar
  • java/log4j.jar5
  • java/mlscript.jar
  • java/mlstream.jar
  • java/qaconnector.jar
  • lib64/libjsyblib600_r.so3

1 For German, Japanese, and Chinese editions, substitute en with de, ja, and zh, respectively.

2 If you are redistributing an application, you must obtain these files directly from Sun.

3 For Solaris SPARC and Linux, the file extension is .so. For AIX, the file extension is .a.

4 Transport-layer security requires that you obtain the separately-licensed SQL Anywhere security option and is subject to export regulations. To order this component, see Separately licensed components.

5 If you are redistributing an application, you must obtain these files directly from Apache.