MobiLink system database

In some rare cases, you may want to split your consolidated database into two: one database for data and one for the MobiLink system information. When you do this you do not have to add MobiLink system objects to your consolidated database. All MobiLink system objects can be stored in a separate database called the MobiLink system database.

Your MobiLink system database can be any database that is supported as a consolidated database. it does not have to be the same RDBMS as your consolidated database.

It is easy to set up a MobiLink system database. Simply apply MobiLink setup scripts to a database other than your consolidated database. When you start the MobiLink server, connect to both databases:

  • You can only run the MobiLink server on Windows.
  • You cannot use a MobiLink system database with the MobiLink Create Synchronization Model Wizard or Model mode.
  • There is a performance penalty for storing MobiLink system objects in a separate database.