dbmlsync syntax

Use the dbmlsync utility to synchronize SQL Anywhere remote databases with a consolidated database.

dbmlsync [ options ] [ transaction-logs-directory ]
Option Description
@data Read in options from the specified environment variable or configuration file. See @data option.
-a Do not prompt for input again on error. See -a option
-ap Specify authentication parameters. See -ap option.
-ba filename Apply a download file. See -ba option.
-bc filename Create a download file. See -bc option.
-be string When creating a download file, add a string. See -be option.
-bg When creating a download file, make it suitable for new remotes. See -bg option.
-c connection-string Supply database connection parameters in the form parm1=value1; parm2=value2,... If you do not supply this option, a window appears and you must supply connection information. See -c option.
-d Drop any other connections to the database whose locks conflict with the articles to be synchronized. See -d option
-dc Continue a previously failed download. See -dc option.
-dl Display log messages on the dbmlsync messages window. See -dl option.
-do Disables scanning of offline transaction logs. See -do option.
-drs bytes For restartable downloads, specify the maximum amount of data that may need to be resent after a communications failure. See -drs option.


Perform a download-only synchronization. See -ds option.
-e "option=value"... Specify extended options. See MobiLink SQL Anywhere client extended options.
-eh Ignore errors that occur in hook functions.
-ek key Specify encryption key. See -ek option.
-ep Prompt for encryption key. See -ep option.
-eu Specify extended options for upload defined by most recent -n option. See -eu option.
-is Ignore schedule. See -is option.
-k Close window on completion. See -k option (deprecated).
-l List available extended options. See -l option.

-mn password

Specify new MobiLink password. See -mn option.

-mp password

Specify MobiLink password. See -mp option.
-n name Specify synchronization publication name(s). See -n option.
-o logfile Log output messages to this file. See -o option.
-os size Specify a maximum size for the output log, at which point the log is renamed. See -os option.
-ot logfile Delete the contents of the log file and then log output messages to it. See -ot option.
-p Disable logscan polling. See -p option.
-pc+ Maintain an open connection to the MobiLink server between synchronizations. See -pc option

-pd dllname;...

Preload specified dlls for Windows Mobile. See -pd option.
-pi Test that you can connect to MobiLink. See -pi option.
-pp number Set logscan polling period. See -pp option.
-q Run in minimized window. See -q option.
-qc Shut down dbmlsync when synchronization is finished. See -qc option.
-r[ a | b ] Use client progress values for upload retry. See -r option.
-sc Reload schema information before each synchronization. See -sc option.
-sp sync profile Add options from the synchronization profile to the synchronization options specified on the command line. See -sp option.
-tu Perform transactional upload. See -tu option.
-u ml_username Specify the MobiLink user to synchronize. See -u option.
-ui For Linux with X window, starts dbmlsync in shell mode if a usable display isn't available. See -ui option.
-uo Perform upload-only synchronization. See -uo option.
-urc row-estimate Specify an estimate of the number of rows to upload. See -urc option.
-ux For Solaris and Linux, open the dbmlsync messages window. See -ux option.
-v[ levels ] Verbose operation. See -v option.
-wc classname Specify a window class name. See -wc option.
-x Rename and restart the transaction log. See -x option.
transaction-logs-directory Specify the location of the transaction log. See Transaction Log File, below.

Run dbmlsync to synchronize a SQL Anywhere remote database with a consolidated database.

To locate and connect to the MobiLink server, dbmlsync uses the information on the publication, synchronization user, synchronization subscription, or the dbmlsync command line.

Transaction log file   The transaction-logs-directory is the directory that contains the transaction log for the SQL Anywhere remote database. There is an active transaction log and transaction log archive files, both of which may be required by dbmlsync to determine what to upload. You must specify this parameter if all of the following are true:

  • the contents of the working log file have been deleted and the file has been renamed since you last synchronized
  • you run the dbmlsync utility from a directory other than the one where the renamed log files are stored

For more information, see Transaction log files.

dbmlsync event hooks   There are also dbmlsync client stored procedures that can help you customize the synchronization process. For more information, see Introduction to dbmlsync hooks and Event hooks for SQL Anywhere clients.

Using dbmlsync   For more information about using dbmlsync, see Initiating synchronization.

See also