-n option

Specifies the publication(s) to synchronize.

dbmlsync -n pubname ...

Name of synchronization publication.

You can supply more than one -n option to synchronize more than one synchronization publication, however publication can only be specified once in a synchronization profile.

There are two ways to use -n to synchronize multiple publications:

  • Specify -n pub1,pub2,pub3 to upload pub1, pub2, and pub3 in one upload followed by one download.

    In this case, if you have set extended options on the publications, only the options set on the first publication in the list are used. Extended options set on subsequent publications are ignored.

  • Specify -n pub1 -n pub2 -n pub3 to synchronize pub1, pub2, and pub3 in three separate sequential synchronizations.

    When successive synchronizations occur very quickly, such as when you specify -n pub1 -n pub2, it is possible that dbmlsync may start processing a synchronization when the server is still processing the previous synchronization. In this case, the second synchronization fails with an error indicating that concurrent synchronizations are not allowed. If you run into this situation, you can define an sp_hook_dbmlsync_delay stored procedure to create a delay before each synchronization. Usually a few seconds to a minute is a sufficient delay.

    For more information, see sp_hook_dbmlsync_delay.