MobiLink synchronization profiles

Synchronization profiles allow you to place some dbmlsync options in the database. The synchronization profile you create can contain a variety of synchronizations options.

Once you have created a synchronization profile and want to use it, use the dbmlsync -sp option and specify the synchronization profile name. The options specified in the synchronization profile are merged with the command line options you specified. If equivalent options are specified on the command line and in the synchronization profile, then the options on the command line overrides those specified in the profile. See -sp option.

Synchronization profiles can be created, altered and dropped using the following statements:

For UltraLite clients, see:

The following options can be specified in a synchronization profile:

Long option name Short name Valid values Description
AuthParms ap String Supplies parameters to the authenticate_parameters script and to authentication parameters. See -ap option.
ApplyDnldFile ba String Applies a download file. See -ba option.
ContinueDownload dc Boolean Restarts a previously failed download. See -dc option.
CreateDnldFile bc String Creates a download file. See -bc option.
DnldFileExtra be String When creating a download file, this option specifies an extra string to be included in the file. See -be option.
DownloadOnly ds Boolean Performs a download-only synchronization. See -ds option.
DownloadReadSize drs Integer For restartable downloads, specifies the maximum amount of data that may need to be resent after a communications failure. See -drs option.
ExtOpt e String Specifies extended options. See -e option.
IgnoreHookErrors eh Boolean Ignores errors that occur in hook functions. See -eh option.
IgnoreScheduling is Boolean Ignores scheduling instructions so that synchronization is immediate. See -is option.
KillConnections d Boolean Drops conflicting locks to the remote database. See -d option.
LogRenameSize x An integer optionally followed by K or M. Renames and restarts the transaction log after it has been scanned for upload data. See -x option.
MobiLinkPwd mp String Supplies the password of the MobiLink user. See -mp option.
MLUser u String Specifies the MobiLink user name. See -u option.
NewMLPassword mn String Supplies a new password for the MobiLink user. Use this option when you want to change an existing password. See -mn option.
Ping pi Boolean Pings a MobiLink server to confirm communications between the client and MobiLink. See -pi option.
Publication n String Specifies the publications(s) to synchronize. Note that publication can only be specified once in a synchronization profile but the command line option can be specified multiple times. See -n option.
RemoteProgressGreater ra Boolean Specifies that the remote offset should be used if it is greater than the consolidated offset. This is equivalent to the -ra option. See -r option.
RemoteProgressLess rb Boolean Specifies that the remote offset should be used if it is less than the consolidated offset (such as when the remote database has been restored from backup). This is equivalent to the -rb option. See -r option.
TransactionalUpload tu Boolean Specifies that each transaction on the remote database should be uploaded as a separate transaction within one synchronization. See -tu option.
UpdateGenNum bg Boolean When creating a download file, this option creates a file that can be used with remote databases that have not yet synchronized. See -bg option.
UploadOnly uo Boolean Specifies that synchronization only includes an upload, and that no downloads occur. See -uo option.
UploadRowCnt urc Integer Specifies an estimate of the number of rows to be uploaded in a synchronization. See -urc option.
Verbosity String (a comma separated list of options) Controls dbmlsync verbosity. Similar to the -v option. The value must be a comma separated list of one or more of the following options, each of which corresponds to an existing -v option as described below:
  • BASIC - equivalent to -v
  • HIGH - equivalent to -v+
  • CONNECT_STR - equivalent to -vc
  • ROW_CNT - equivalent to -vn
  • OPTIONS - equivalent to -vo
  • ML_PASSWORD - equivalent to -vp
  • ROW_DATA - equivalent to -vr
  • HOOK - equivalent to -vs