Publishing data

A publication is a database object that identifies the data that is to be synchronized. It defines the data to be uploaded, and it limits the tables that can be downloaded to. (The download is defined in the download_cursor script.)

A publication consists of one or more articles. Each article specifies a subset of a table that is to be synchronized. The subset may be the entire table or a subset of its rows and/or columns. Each article in a publication must refer to a different table.

You create a subscription to link a publication to a user.

You create publications using Sybase Central or with the CREATE PUBLICATION statement.

In Sybase Central, all publications and articles appear in the Publications folder.

Notes about publications
  • DBA authority is required to create and drop publications.
  • You cannot create two publications containing different column subsets of the same table.
  • The publication determines which columns are selected, but it does not determine the order in which they are sent. Columns are always sent in the order in which they were defined in the CREATE TABLE statement.
  • Each article must include all the columns in the primary key of the table that it references.
  • An article can limit the columns of a table that are synchronized. Using a WHERE clause, it can also limit the rows.
  • Views and stored procedures cannot be included in publications.
  • Publications and subscriptions are also used by the Sybase message-based replication technology, SQL Remote. SQL Remote requires publications and subscriptions in both the consolidated and remote databases. In contrast, MobiLink publications appear only in SQL Anywhere remote databases. MobiLink consolidated databases are configured using synchronization scripts.
See also

Publishing whole tables
Publishing only some columns in a table
Publishing only some rows in a table
Download-only publications
Altering existing publications
Dropping publications