Publishing only some columns in a table

You can create a publication that contains all the rows but only some of the columns of a table from Sybase Central or by listing the columns in the CREATE PUBLICATION statement.

  • If you create two publications that include the same table with different column subsets, then any user that subscribes to both publications is unable to synchronize.
  • An article must include all the primary key columns in the table.

To publish only some columns in a table (Sybase Central Admin mode)

  1. Connect to the remote database as a user with DBA authority using the SQL Anywhere plug-in.

  2. Open the Publications folder.

  3. From the File menu, choose New » Publication.

    The Create Publication Wizard appears.

  4. Enter a name for the new publication. Click Next.

  5. On the Specify Tables tab, select a table from the list of Available Tables. Click Add. The table is added to the list of Selected Tables on the right.

  6. On the Specify Columns tab, double-click the table's icon to expand the list of Available Columns. Select each column you want to publish and click Add. The selected columns appear on the right.

  7. Click Finish.

To publish only some columns in a table (SQL)

  1. Connect to the remote database as a user with DBA authority.

  2. Execute a CREATE PUBLICATION statement that specifies the publication name and the table name. List the published columns in parenthesis following the table name.

    See CREATE PUBLICATION statement [MobiLink] [SQL Remote].


The following statement creates a publication that publishes all rows of the id, company_name, and city columns of the customer table:

 TABLE customer (id, company_name,
  city )