Using the Index Consultant

The Index Consultant guides you in the proper selection of indexes. You can use the Index Consultant to obtain a set of index recommendations for an individual query, or for an entire database.

Obtaining index recommendations for a query

To obtain index recommendations for a single query, access the Index Consultant from Interactive SQL.

To obtain Index Consultant recommendations for a query (Sybase Central)

  1. Connect to the database as a user with DBA authority or as a user with PROFILE authority.

  2. Right-click the database and choose Open Interactive SQL.

  3. In the SQL Statements pane, type the query.

  4. Choose Tools » Index Consultant.

Obtaining index recommendations for a database

To obtain Index Consultant recommendations for an entire database, use the Application Profiling mode in Sybase Central. The Index Consultant needs profiling data before it can made its recommendations. The following procedure is a quick way to gather data and obtain the recommendations using data gathered by the Application Profiling Wizard. However, if you already have application profiling data (for example, if you profiled your database already using the Database Tracing Wizard), you can also run the Index Consultant on the tracing database that you created.

To obtain Index Consultant recommendations for a database using Application Profiling Wizard (Sybase Central)

  1. Connect to the database as the DBA, or as a user with PROFILE authority.

  2. Choose Mode » Application Profiling.

  3. Follow the Application Profiling Wizard instructions.

    If the Application Profiling Wizard does not appear, choose Application Profiling » Open Application Profiling Wizard, and follow the wizard instructions until it completes.

  4. In Sybase Central, choose Application Profiling » Run Index Consultant On Tracing Database.

  5. Follow the Index Consultant Wizard instructions.

See also