Index Consultant

The selection of a proper set of indexes can make a big difference to the performance of your database. To help you in the task of selecting such a set of indexes, SQL Anywhere includes an Index Consultant. The Index Consultant provides recommendations on the ideal set of indexes for your database.

You can run the Index Consultant against a single query using Interactive SQL, or against the database using Application Profiling mode in Sybase Central. When used to analyze a database, the Index Consultant makes use of a tracing session to gather its data and make recommendations. It estimates query execution costs using those indexes to see which indexes lead to improved execution plans. The Index Consultant evaluates multiple column indexes, as well as single-column indexes, and also investigates the impact of clustered or uncluttered indexes.

The Index Consultant analyzes a database or single query by generating candidate indexes and exploring their effect on performance. To explore the effect of different candidate indexes, the Index Consultant repeatedly re-optimizes the queries under different sets of indexes. It does not execute the queries.

You must have DBA or PROFILE authority to run the Index Consultant.


You can use Sybase Central to connect to a version 9 database server. However, when you do so, the layout of windows in Sybase Central reverts to the version 9 layout, which does not include Application Profiling mode. Refer to your version 9 documentation for information about how to locate and use Index Consultant in Sybase Central when connecting to a version 9 database server.

See also

Using the Index Consultant
Understanding Index Consultant recommendations
Implementing Index Consultant recommendations