Altering text indexes

You can alter the following characteristics of a text index:

  • Refresh type   You can change the refresh type from AUTO REFRESH to MANUAL REFRESH, and vice versa. Use the REFRESH clause of the ALTER TEXT INDEX statement to change the refresh type. See ALTER TEXT INDEX statement.

    You cannot change a text index to, or from, IMMEDIATE REFRESH; to make this change, you must drop the text index and recreate it. See DROP TEXT INDEX statement, and CREATE TEXT INDEX statement.

  • Name   You can rename the text index using the RENAME clause of the ALTER TEXT INDEX statement. See ALTER TEXT INDEX statement.

  • Content   With the exception of the column list, settings that control what is indexed are stored in a text configuration object. If you want to change what is indexed, you alter the text configuration object that a text index refers to. You must remember to truncate the text index prior to, and refresh the text index after, altering the text configuration object.



    You cannot alter a text index to refer to a different text configuration object. If you want a text index to refer to another text configuration object, drop the text index and recreate it specifying the new text configuration object.

Alter a text index