Deletes the data in a manual text index.

TRUNCATE TEXT INDEX text-index-name 
ON [ owner.]table-name
  • ON clause   The name of the table on which the text index is built.


Use the TRUNCATE TEXT INDEX statement when you want to delete data from a manual text index without dropping the text index definition. For example, if you want to alter the text configuration object for the text index to change the stoplist, you must first truncate the text index, change the text configuration object it refers to, and then refresh the text index to populate it with new data.

You cannot perform a TRUNCATE TEXT INDEX statement on a text index defined as IMMEDIATE REFRESH (the default). For IMMEDIATE REFRESH text indexes, you must drop the index instead.

  • Must be the owner of the table the text index is built on, or have DBA authority, or have ALTER permissions on the table.
  • The TRUNCATE TEXT INDEX requires exclusive access to the table. This means that any open cursors that reference the table being truncated must be closed, and a COMMIT or ROLLBACK statement must be issued to release the reference to the table.
Side effects

Automatic commit

See also
Standards and compatibility
  • SQL/2003   Vendor extension.


The first statement creates the txt_index_manual text index. The second statement populates the text index with data. The third statement truncates the text index data.

CREATE TEXT INDEX txt_index_manual ON MarketingInformation ( Description )
REFRESH TEXT INDEX txt_index_manual ON MarketingInformation;
TRUNCATE TEXT INDEX txt_index_manual ON MarketingInformation;

The truncated text index is repopulated with data the next time it is refreshed.