Configuring the administration tools

You can control which features are shown or enabled by the administration tools. Control is done through an initialization file named OEM.ini. This file must be in the same directory as the JAR files used by the administration tools (for example, C:\Program Files\SQL Anywhere 11\java). If the file is not found, default values are used. Also, defaults are used for values that are missing from OEM.ini.

Here is a sample OEM.ini file:

# reportErrors type is boolean, default = true

# checkForUpdates type is boolean, default = true

# lockedPreferences is assigned a comma-separated 
# list of one or more of the following option names:
#    autoCommit
#    autoRefetch
#    commitOnExit
#    disableResultsEditing
#    executeToolbarButtonSemantics
#    fastLauncherEnabled
#    maximumDisplayedRows
#    showMultipleResultSets
#    showResultsForAllStatements

Any line beginning with the # character is a comment line and is ignored. The specified option names and values are case-sensitive.

If reportErrors is false, the administration tool does not present a window to the user inviting them to submit error information to iAnywhere if the software crashes. Instead, the traditional, simpler window appears.

If checkForUpdates is false, the administration tool does not check for SQL Anywhere software updates automatically, nor does it give the user the option to do it at their discretion.

If disableExecuteAll is true, then the SQL » Execute menu item and the F5 accelerator key are disabled in Interactive SQL. If the Execute toolbar button is configured for Execute All Statement(s), then it is disabled also. Therefore, you might want to set the Execute toolbar button to Execute Selected Statement(s) in Interactive SQL, and then set the executeToolbarButtonSemantics option in the OEM.ini file to prevent users from changing the Execute toolbar button. See Configuring the Execute Statements toolbar button.

Preventing users from changing Interactive SQL option settings

In the [dbisql] section of the OEM.ini file, you can lock the settings of Interactive SQL options so that users cannot change them. The option names are case sensitive. For some options, you can specify whether the setting is locked for SQL Anywhere databases or UltraLite databases. If you do not specify the database type, then the setting is locked for all databases. The following is an example:


To lock the option setting for only one type of database, prefix lockedPreferences with the name of the database type (SQLAnywhere or UltraLite) followed by a period.

For example, if you want to lock autoCommit for SQL Anywhere databases, but not UltraLite, you would add the following line:


You can prevent users from changing the following Interactive SQL option settings (SQLAnywhere/UltraLite indicates that these options can be locked for a specific database type):

  • autoCommit (SQLAnywhere/UltraLite)   Prevents the user from customizing the Commit After Every Statement option. See auto_commit option [Interactive SQL].

  • autoRefetch (SQLAnywhere/UltraLite)   Prevents the user from customizing the Automatically Refetch Results option. See auto_refetch option [Interactive SQL].

  • commitOnExit (SQLAnywhere/UltraLite)   Prevents the user from customizing the Commit On Exit Or Disconnect option. See commit_on_exit option [Interactive SQL].

  • disableResultsEditing (SQLAnywhere/UltraLite)   Prevents the user from customizing the Disable Editing option.

  • executeToolbarButtonSemantics   Prevents the user from customizing the behavior of the Execute toolbar button. See Configuring the Execute Statements toolbar button.

  • fastLauncherEnabled   Prevents the user from customizing the fast launcher option.

  • maximumDisplayedRows (SQLAnywhere/UltraLite)   Prevents the user from customizing the Maximum Number Of Rows To Display option. isql_maximum_displayed_rows option [Interactive SQL].

  • showMultipleResultSets (SQLAnywhere/UltraLite)   Prevents the user from customizing the Show Only The First Result Set or Show All Result Sets options. See isql_show_multiple_result_sets [Interactive SQL].

  • showResultsForAllStatements (SQLAnywhere/UltraLite)   Prevents the user from customizing the Show Results From The Last Statement or Show Results From Each Statement options.