Executing SQL statements from Interactive SQL

One of the primary uses of Interactive SQL is to browse table data. Interactive SQL retrieves information by sending a request to your database server. The database server, in turn, looks up the information, and returns it to Interactive SQL.

After you execute a SELECT statement, the result set appears on the Results tab in the Results pane. By default, row numbers appear to the left of the result set.

To execute all SQL statements

  1. Type your query in the SQL Statements pane.

  2. Press F5, or choose SQL » Execute to execute the statement.

To execute selected SQL statements

  1. Type your queries in the SQL Statements pane and select the query.

  2. Press F9, or choose SQL » Execute Selection to execute the statement.

To execute SQL statements individually, for example when debugging, you can use Single Step from the SQL menu. Single Step executes a specified statement and then selects the next statement to be executed. To execute the next statement, run Single Step again.

To execute SQL statements one at a time

  1. Type your queries in the SQL Statements pane.

  2. Place your cursor in the statement that you want to execute.

  3. From the SQL menu, choose Single Step or press Shift+F9 to execute the specified statement.

    When the SQL statement executes, the next SQL statement is selected.

  4. To execute the selected SQL statement, press Shift+F9.

  5. Repeat the previous step until there are no more selected statements to execute.

Configuring the Execute Statements toolbar button

You can also click the Execute Statements button to execute the statements in the SQL Statements pane. This button can be set to execute all SQL statements or only execute the selected statements.

To configure the Execute Statements toolbar button

  1. From the Tools menu, choose Options.

  2. Click Toolbar

    To execute all SQL statements, select Execute All Statement(s). This is the default setting.

    To execute only the selected SQL statements, select Execute Selected Statement(s).

See also

Executing multiple SQL statements
Executing command files
Using favorites
Recalling commands
Logging commands
Canceling commands in Interactive SQL