Deploying database utilities

If you need to deploy database utilities (such as dbbackup) along with your application, then you need the utility executable together with the following additional files:

Description Windows Linux/Unix Mac OS X
Database tools library dbtool11.dll, libdbtool11.dylib, libdbtasks11.dylib
Interface Library dblib11.dll libdblib11.dylib
Language resource library dblg[en]11.dll dblg[en]11.res dblg[en]11.res
Connect window dbcon11.dll
Pre-10 physical store library dboftsp.dll libdboftsp.dylib
  • For multi-threaded applications on Linux/Unix, use,, and
  • For multi-threaded applications on Mac OS X, use libdbtool11_r.dylib, libdbtasks11_r.dylib, and libdblib11_r.dylib.
  • The pre-10 physical store library is required by some utilities (dblog, dbtran, dberase) in order to access pre-version 10.0.0 log files. If you are not deploying these utilities, then you do not require this library.
  • The personal database server (dbeng11) is required for creating databases using the dbinit utility. It is also required if you are creating databases from Sybase Central on the local computer when no other database servers are running. See Deploying database servers.
  • The dbunload utility may require the contents of the scripts directory to be present. See Deploying SQL script files.