-zs server option

Limits the size of the request log.

{ dbsrv11 | dbeng11 } -zs  { size[ k | m | g } ...
Applies to

All operating systems and database servers.


Request logging is turned on using the -zr option, and redirected to a separate file using the -zo option. You can limit the size of the file using the -zs option.

The size is the maximum file size for the request log, in bytes. Use k, m, or g to specify units of kilobytes, megabytes, or gigabytes respectively.

If you specify -zs 0, then there is no maximum size for the request logging file, and the file is never renamed. This is the default value.

When the request log file reaches the size specified by either the -zs option or the sa_server_option system procedure, the file is renamed with the extension .old appended (replacing an existing file with the same name if one exists). The request log file is then restarted.

See also

The following example shows how the -zs option is used to control log file size. Suppose you start a database server with the following command line:

dbeng11 -zr all -zs 10k -zo mydatabase.log

A new log file mydatabase.log is created. When this file reaches 10 KB in size, any existing mydatabase.old files are deleted, mydatabase.log is renamed to mydatabase.old, and a new mydatabase.log file is started. This process is repeated each time the mydatabase.log file reaches the specified size (in this case 10 KB).