Using connection profiles

When you first connect to a database server or database, you typically enter a user ID, password, and other connection parameters. See Connecting from Sybase Central, Interactive SQL, or the SQL Anywhere Console utility.

To make subsequent connections from Sybase Central easier, you can create a connection profile that saves a group of parameters under a name that you supply. From then on, you can use that profile to connect to the object in one step.

To use and manage connection profiles, choose Connections » Connection Profiles. This command opens the Connection Profiles window, where you can:

  • connect using a connection profile
  • edit an existing connection profile
  • create a new connection profile
  • set a description for a profile
  • delete (or remove) profiles
  • import or export a connection profile
  • set a profile to connect automatically when Sybase Central is started

Connection profiles are specific to Sybase Central. If you are building an ODBC application, you can achieve functionality similar to connection profiles using ODBC data sources. See Saving connection parameters in ODBC data sources.

To create a new connection profile

  1. In Sybase Central, choose Connections » Connection Profiles.

    The Connection Profiles window appears.

  2. Click New.

  3. In the New Connection Profile window, enter a name for the new profile, a description.

  4. Select New Connection Profile and choose the appropriate plug-in from the list. The plug-in is the product, such as SQL Anywhere 11 or MobiLink 11.

    Alternatively, you can base your new connection profile on an existing profile by selecting Copy Connection Profile and choosing the appropriate profile from the Existing Connection Profiles list.

  5. You can allow other users to access the profile by selecting Share This Connection Profile With Other Users. This is useful on multi-user platforms such as Unix.

  6. Click OK.

    The Edit Connection Profile window appears.

  7. In the Edit Connection Profile window, enter the required values, and then click OK to close the window.

To connect automatically when Sybase Central starts

  1. In Sybase Central, choose Connections » Connection Profiles.

    The Connection Profiles window appears.

  2. Select a connection profile.

  3. Click Set Startup until the setting in the Use On Startup column changes to Yes.

To edit the parameters of an existing connection profile

  1. In Sybase Central, choose Connections » Connection Profiles.

    The Connection Profiles window appears.

  2. Select a connection profile.

  3. Click Edit.

    The Edit Connection Profile window appears.

  4. In the Edit Connection Profile window, edit the values.

To import a connection profile

  1. In Sybase Central, choose Connections » Connection Profiles.

    The Connection Profiles window appears.

  2. Click Import.

    The Import Connection Profile File window appears.

  3. Specify the name of the file containing the connection profile you want to import.

  4. Click OK.

To export a connection profile

  1. In Sybase Central, choose Connections » Connection Profiles.

    The Connection Profiles window appears.

  2. Select the connection profile you want to export.

  3. Click Export.

    The Save As window appears.

  4. Enter a name for the file to which you want to save the connection profile.

  5. Click Save.