Connecting from Sybase Central, Interactive SQL, or the SQL Anywhere Console utility

To use Sybase Central, Interactive SQL, or the SQL Anywhere Console utility for managing your database, you must first connect to it. In the Connect window, you tell Sybase Central, Interactive SQL, or the SQL Anywhere Console what database you want to connect to, where it is located, and how you want to connect to it.

The connection process depends on your situation. For example, if you have a database server already running on your computer and this database server is running only one database, all you have to do in the Connect window is provide a user ID and a password for that database. Sybase Central, Interactive SQL, or the SQL Anywhere Console utility then knows to connect immediately to the database on the running server.

If this running server has more than one database loaded on it, if it is not yet running, or if it is running on another computer, you need to provide more detailed information in the Connect window so that Sybase Central, Interactive SQL, or the SQL Anywhere Console utility knows which database to connect to.

See also

Opening the Connect window
Working with the Connect window