Designing backup procedures

When you make a backup, you have a set of choices to make about how to manage transaction logs. The choices you make depend on a set of factors including the following:

  • Is the database involved in replication?

    In this chapter, replication means SQL Remote replication, or MobiLink synchronization where dbmlsync is running, or a database using the Replication Agent. Each of these replication methods requires access to the transaction log, and potentially to old transaction logs.

  • How fast is the transaction log file growing relative to your available disk space? If the transaction log is growing quickly, you may not be able to afford to keep transaction logs available.

Types of backup
Scheduling backups
Making image backups
A backup scheme for when disk space is plentiful
A backup scheme for databases not involved in replication
A backup scheme for databases involved in replication
Backup methods for remote databases in replication installations
Making archive backups
Designing a backup and recovery plan
Ensuring your database is valid
Using checksums