Making archive backups

An archive backup is a single file that contains all the required information for the backup, including the main database file, the transaction log, and any additional dbspaces. You can only perform archive backups as server-side backups, and you can only make full backups. You can save an archive backup to either a file or a tape drive. Archive backups can be made using the BACKUP DATABASE statement or the Backup Database Wizard in Sybase Central.

You restore a database from an archive backup using the Restore Database Wizard in Sybase Central or using the RESTORE DATABASE statement.

Archive backups are supported on Windows and Unix platforms only. On Windows Mobile, only image backups are permitted.

Backing up a database to a tape drive

You can perform direct backup to a tape drive using an archive backup. Archive backups are always full backups. An archive backup makes copies of both the database file and the transaction log, but these copies are placed into a single file.

See also