This page is not available... message on your test device

If you get this message on the device after you synchronize, it means that your M-Business Sync Server, for some reason, has not downloaded the page for viewing on the mobile device. There are four common causes for this message:

  • The page was not available on the Web server.

  • The Link Depth is set too low to include the page.

  • Your content exceeded the Channel Size Limit.

  • Follow Offsite Links brought in content that caused the Channel Size Limit to be exceeded.

To troubleshoot and debug a page not available message
  1. Check your channel's current settings.

    • Go to the edit form for the channel. For a group channel or a personal channel, this would be the Edit Channel form; for a public channel, the Edit Public Channel form.

    • Note the settings currently in effect for Channel Size Limit, Link Depth, Include Images, and Follow Offsite Links.

  2. Check the sync log.

    The sync log will tell you immediately:

    • if your channel exceeds your Channel Size Limit

    • if the page was simply not found on the Web server

    • if the device is out of memory

    If it is any of the above, correct the problem and synchronize again. Otherwise, continue below.

  3. Check the size of your channel.

    • Go into the file system on the Web server where your channel is hosted.

    • Locate the Web pages that are within your Link Depth setting and total up the bytes for the HTML and image files.

    This will give you an estimate of your channel's size. Because of compression and stripping out of extraneous HTML, your channel's actual, downloaded size will be less.

    Fix: If the downloaded size of your channel is well below the Channel Size Limit setting, most likely the page or pages that are not available on the device were too large.

    • Break these pages into two or more smaller pages.

    • Synchronize again and see if this clears up the problem.

  4. Next steps:

    • If the estimated size of your channel is not larger than your Channel Size Limit:

      (1) Check Link Depth – is the page not available because it is on your channel site but beyond the specified Link Depth? For more information, see the "Link Depth" topic in Description of channel settings.

      (2) Check Follow Offsite Links – is the page not available because it is outside your channel site and you have Follow Offsite Links set to No? For more information, see the "Follow Off-Site Links" topic in Description of channel settings.

      (3) Check server speed – if the estimated of your channel is not larger than your Channel Size Limit and the page are not missing because of your channel's Link Depth or Follow Offsite Links settings, then the problem is most likely caused by a slow Web server on your channel site. Your M-Business Sync Server times out if its page request is not processed fairly quickly; for more information, see Server timeouts encountered.

    • If the estimated of your channel is larger than your Channel Size Limit, the first thing you need to do is figure out why. Continue with the following steps in this section.

  5. If Follow Offsite Links is set to Yes, look for leaks to other sites.

    Leaks are links to pages that you don't really want downloaded with your channel. Leaks probably account for two-thirds of the channel size problems we see. The fixes below may apply if your channel has Follow Off-Site Links set to Yes.

    Fix 1: If you really don't want to download pages from other sites with your channel pages, then every off-site is a leak.

    • Set Follow Off-Site Links to No.

    • Synchronize again and see if that clears up the problem.

    Fix 2: If you do need certain off-site pages to be available with your channel pages:

    • Carefully scan all your channel pages looking for off-site links that you do not want downloaded.

    • Remove them from your site entirely, or move them to pages that are outside the Link Depth you have set.

    • Synchronize again and see if that clears up the problem.

  6. Look for leaks within your site.

    Leaks within your site are links to pages that you don't really want downloaded with your channel, even though they are part of your site. Again, leaks probably account for probably two-thirds of the channel size problems we see. The fixes below may apply if your channel has Follow Off-Site Links set to No, or if it is set to Yes and you have already eliminated links to other sites.

    Fix: Work your way through the links within your channel site and eliminate links to unwanted pages:

    • Make a list of any pages within your site that are not available after a synchronization. (At the same time that you are looking for leaks within your site, you can determine whether any of the missing pages are beyond your channel's Link Depth setting.)

    • Start with links from your home page.

    • Then proceed to links from pages that are linked from your home page, working your way down the links until you have reached your channel's Link Depth. For a detailed description of Link Depth, see the "Link Depth" topic in Description of channel settings.

    • Check off any of the missing pages that you come to while you are following links—you are confirming that these pages are within your channel's Link Depth.

    • Look for links to pages that you do not want downloaded with your channel.

    • Remove them from your site entirely, or move them to pages that are outside the Link Depth you have set.

    • Synchronize again. and see if that clears up the problem.

  7. If any missing pages are beyond your channel's Link Depth setting, bring them within it.

    Your M-Business Sync Server will never download any page on your channel site that is more links away from your home page than the number specified for your channel's Link Depth. For a detailed discussion of link depth, see the "Link Depth" topic in Description of channel settings.

    If you just checked for leaks within your site, you have already determined whether any of the missing pages are beyond your Link Depth setting. If you skipped that step:

    • Make a list of any pages within your site that are not available after a synchronization.

    • Start from your home page and count the number of links it takes to reach each missing page (by the shortest route).

    • Note any pages for which this link count is more than your Link Depth setting.

    If any of the missing pages are beyond your channel's Link Depth, there are two possible solutions.

    Fix 1: If increasing your channel's Link Depth would add a lot of pages that you don't want to download in a synchronization:

    • Add at least one link to each missing page from a page that is close enough to the home page—that is, you can get to it with a count of links equal to the channel Link Depth minus one.

    • If it really doesn't make sense to link a missing page from any page other than one that is already at your channel's Link Depth, you can add an invisible link to it from your home page. See Downloading a page beyond channel's Link Depth.

    Fix 2: If increasing your channel's Link Depth would not add a lot of pages that you don't want to download in a synchronization:

    • Go to the Channel Properties screen for the channel.

    • Increase the Link Depth setting to a value that will include the missing pages.

    • Synchronize again and see if this clears up the problem.

  8. Make your Channel Size Limit fit your channel content.

    If none of the troubleshooting steps above has eliminated your missing page problem, your channel content is probably just too large for the Channel Size Limit you have set.

    Fix 1: If your current Channel Size Limit setting is really small:

    • Go to the Edit... Channel form for the channel.

    • Increase the Channel Size Limit setting to a value that will be large enough to hold the missing pages.

      For more information on setting Channel Size Limit, see the "Channel Size Limit" topic in Description of channel settings.

    • Synchronize again and see if this clears up the problem.

    Fix 2: If your current Channel Size Limit setting is as large as you are willing to make it:

    • Redesign your site, eliminating some pages or putting them beyond the channel's Link Depth.

    • Consider setting Follow Off-Site Links and Include Images to No.

    • Synchronize again and see if this clears up the problem.