It is entirely possible that even after you have solved all your problems with missing pages on your initial test device, a coworker with a different device encounters this message. What is going on?
Make sure you both have the same Channel Size Limit settings for your channels.
It is possible you increased yours to 250KB one day for testing purposes and forgot to change it back.
Make sure all of your other channel settings are the same.
Maybe you have Follow Offsite Links turned off and your coworker has it turned on, so he is detecting a leak to another Web site that you are not seeing. If in doubt, unsubscribe and resubscribe to your channel to get the default settings that your customers would normally see.
The other thing you should check is that you have similar devices.
Remember, graphic size will vary significantly from, say, a Palm III to a Windows Mobile Pocket PC device. If you have a site with a lot of graphics and you are pushing the limit on your 4-gray mobile device, you will probably go over the limit on a color device.
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