Implementing external user authentication through LDAP

If you mirror user IDs and passwords from an LDAP server, you cannot use M-Business Server to modify user names, passwords, or other related attributes of users. User authentication is administered only through the LDAP server. All M-Business-specific information about these users is maintained through the Administrator Console.

To implement external user authentication through LDAP
  1. Install M-Business Server using an NT domain integration license.

    Windows: In the Domain List dialog, enter any arbitrary string and click Next to continue with the rest of the installation.

    UNIX: Complete a normal installation—there are no different requirements for LDAP.

  2. Use a text editor to open <M-Business_Home>/sync.conf.default.

  3. On Windows only, comment out the lines for the following NT domain integration settings by placing a "#" character at the start of the line:

    • ExternalAuthLibrary
    • UseSSPIForNTAuth
    • NTDomainValidation
    • NTDomainCache
    • ExternalAuthCreatesUsers
  4. Immediately below these NT domain integration settings, uncomment and manually set the LDAP settings listed below. See LDAP adaptor configuration settings.

    • LDAPServers
    • LDAPSearchBase
    • LDAPSearchFilter
    • LDAPFullName
    • LDAPFirstName
    • LDAPLastName
    • LDAPUseSSL
    • LDAPDefaultUser
    • LDAPDefaultPassword
  5. Immediately after the line for the LDAPDefaultPassword setting, add these lines:

    • SyncPref ExternalAuthCreatesUsers TRUE

    • SyncPref NTDomainAutoCreateAccount TRUE

    • SyncPref ClientShouldHashPassword YES

    • (Windows) Enter this line:

      SyncPref ExternalAuthLibrary "<M-Business_Home>\bin\ldapprovider.dll"

      (UNIX) Enter this line:

      SyncPref ExternalAuthLibrary "<M-Business_Home>\bin\"

  6. Save the file.

  7. Use a text editor to open <M-Business_Home>/agsoap.conf.default.

  8. Repeat steps 3 – 5 above on this file.

  9. Run the defaults_setup script located in the <M-Business_Home>/conf directory.

    Windows: defaults_setup.bat

    UNIX: defaults_setup

  10. Restart M-Business Server.