LDAP adaptor configuration settings




Holds the name of your LDAP server. It is recommended that you use only one to avoid user name conflicts. Additional hostnames should be separated by a space. If you are using a non-standard port for your normal or SSL connection, you can add it to the end of the server name. Set by @@LdapServer@@ variable in defaults file.


With M-Business Server version 6.5, enter your LDAP server here directly, replacing the @@LdapServer@@ variable. Specify your server as <server_name>.<domain_name>: <port_number>. Separate multiple servers with commas.


The distinguished name of the entry at which to start the search. Example:



Sets the user ID field that the M-Business user ID will be compared against in the LDAP directory for user authentication. The %s is replaced with the M-Business user ID during authentication.


Controls which fields are used to return the Full Name. If LDAPFullName is populated, M-Business Server uses this value for the Last Name and leaves the First Name blank. To force separate First Name and Last Name to be sent, comment out the LDAPFullName parameter by placing a "#" in front of it.


If LDAPFullName is commented out, M-Business Server sends LDAPFirstName as the First Name. If LDAPFullName is populated, LDAPFirstName is ignored.


If LDAPFullName is commented out, M-Business Server sends LDAPLastName as the Last Name. If LDAPFullName is populated, LDAPLastName is ignored.


This setting (currently unavailable) allows M-Business Server to connect via a SSL connection to your LDAP server. Your LDAP server must be SSL enabled and you must set the port number in the LDAPServers setting if it is a non-standard SSL port. This must be set to TRUE to enable SSL.


If user account on M-Business Server's machine does not have access to the LDAP server, here you can specify the user ID of an LDAP account to use for retrieval of LDAP information. This setting may also be necessary for the LDAP provider to query information about a user when an account is created from your LDAP directory. If the M-Business Server's machine does not have correct privileges, an account will be created without populating the user's first and last name.


The LDAPDefaultUser is not the login ID of the user, but the user's DN in the LDAP directory.


See description above for LDAPDefaultUser. If you specify a value for LDAPDefaultUser, you must also specify the password for that user here.