CURSOR_DESC structure  Values for CURSOR_STATUS

Chapter 2: Topics

Fields in a CURSOR_DESC structure

Table 2-5 describes each field in a CURSOR_DESC structure.

Table 2-5: Fields in a CURSOR_DESC structure

Field name




The current cursor identifier.

The Open ServerConnect application must set CURSOR_ID when responding to a TDS_CURSOR_DECLARE (DECLARE CURSOR) command from the client. This happens when the client sends a DECLARE CURSOR command that has CURSOR-NAME as a required parameter.

The Gateway-Library transaction receives the DECLARE CURSOR command from the client, calls TDCURPRO to specify a unique cursor identifier in the CURSOR_ID field, and returns the unique cursor ID to the client.

The client uses the unique cursor ID (instead of the initial cursor name) in the CURSOR_ID field of the CURSOR_DESC structure for all subsequent commands regarding this cursor.


The number of columns in a cursor update clause.

NUMBER_OF_UPDATE_COLUMNS is set to 0 if there are no update columns. This information is available at declare time.


The current row fetch count for this cursor (the number of rows that are sent to the client in response to a TDS_CURSOR_ FETCH command).

FETCH_COUNT is described when a TDS_CURSOR_INFO command is received from the client, or sent to the client in response to such a command. FETCH_COUNT is set to 1 if the client has not explicitly set a row fetch count. If the Open ServerConnect application cannot support the requested fetch count, it can set this field to a different value before responding.


The status of the current cursor.

Open ServerConnect sets the cursor status in response to the cursor command received from the client. See Table 2-6 for a list of legal values.


The current cursor command type.

See Table 2-7 for a list of legal values.


Any options associated with the cursor command.

Not all commands have associated options. The value of COMMAND_OPTIONS depends on the cursor command. Table 2-7 describes the possible values for COMMAND_OPTIONS.


The type of fetch requested by a client.

FETCH_TYPE is described when a TDS_CURSOR_FETCH command is received from the client. The valid fetch types and their meanings are as follows: - TDS_NEXT – next row - TDS_PREV – previous row - TDS_FIRST – first row - TDS_LAST – last row - TDS_ABSOLUTE – row identified in the ROW_OFFSET field - TDS_RELATIVE – current row plus or minus the value in the ROW_OFFSET field Requests to Open ServerConnect always have a FETCH_TYPE of TDS_NEXT.


The row position for TDS_ABSOLUTE or TDS_RELATIVE fetches.

ROW_OFFSET is undefined for all other fetch types. ROW_OFFSET is described when a TDS_CURSOR_FETCH command is received from the client.


The length of the cursor name in CURSOR_NAME.

CURSOR_NAME_LENGTH is zero if not used. If used, CURSOR_NAME_LENGTH is the actual length.


The name of the current cursor.


The length of the table name in TABLE_NAME.

TABLE_NAME_LENGTH is zero if not used. If used, TABLE_NAME_LENGTH is the actual length. TABLE_NAME_LENGTH is described when a TDS_CURSOR_UPDATE or TDS_CURSOR_DELETE command is received from the client.


The table name associated with a cursor update or delete command.

TABLE_NAME is described when a TDS_CURSOR_UPDATE or TDS_CURSOR_DELETE command is received from the client.

Copyright © 2005. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. Values for CURSOR_STATUS

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