Handling cursor requests  Processing cursor requests

Chapter 2: Topics

How to respond to specific cursor requests

This section contains information on how a TDS_CURSOR_EVENT handler should respond to specific types of cursor requests.

On each cursor declare request, the Open ServerConnect application must set a unique cursor identifier before TDCURPRO, with ACTION set to TDS_SET. Open ServerConnect sets CURSOR_STATUS and CURSOR_COMMAND in the CURSOR_DESC structure.

Table 2-8 summarizes the valid exchange of cursor requests and responses between a client and an Open ServerConnect application. The forward arrow indicates that ACTION is set to TDS_GET, which means the application is retrieving information from the client. The backward arrow indicates that ACTION is set to TDS_SET, which means the application is sending information to the client.

Table 2-8: Valid cursor requests and responses

Client action

Open ServerConnect application response

Declares a cursor. (CURSOR_COMMAND field of CURSOR_DESC contains TDS_CURSOR_DECLARE.

→ Retrieve CURSOR_COMMAND value from CURSOR_DESC. (TDCURPRO) → Retrieve number of cursor parameters, if any. (TDNUMPRM) → Retrieve format of cursor parameters, if any. (TDINFPRM) → Retrieve actual text of cursor command. (TDRCVSQL) ← Set cursor ID. Set CURSOR_ID field to unique cursor ID. (TDCURPRO) ← Send a DONE packet. (TDSNDDON with STATUS argument set to TDS_DONE_FINAL.

Requests the status of the current cursor or sends a fetch count. (CURSOR_COMMAND field of CURSOR_DESC contains TDS_CURSOR_INFO.

→ Retrieve CURSOR_COMMAND, CURSOR_ID, and COMMAND_OPTIONS values from CURSOR_DESC structure. (TDCURPRO) ← Send number of rows to be returned per fetch, if client set COMMAND_OPTIONS field to TDS_CURSOR_SETROWS. (TDCURPRO) ← Send status of all available cursors, if client set COMMAND_OPTIONS field to TDS_CURSOR_ASKSTATUS. Set CURSOR_ID field to cursor ID. (TDCURPRO once for each active declared, opened or closed cursor.) ← Send a DONE packet. (TDSNDDON with STATUS argument set to TDS_DONE_FINAL.) Note: If the client request is ct_cmd_props with cursor options, then the CURSOR_COMMAND field is TDS_CURSOR_INFO with TDS_CURSOR_ASKSTATUS option. If the client request is ct_cursor (CS_CURSOR_ROWS), then the CURSOR_COMMAND field is TDS_CURSOR_INFOR with TDS_CURSOR_SETROWS option.

Opens a cursor. (CURSOR_COMMAND field of CURSOR_DESC contains TDS_CURSOR_OPEN.

→ Retrieve CURSOR_COMMAND and CURSOR_ID values from CURSOR_DESC structure. (TDCURPRO) → Retrieve number of cursor parameters, if any. (TDNUMPRM) → Retrieve format of cursor parameters and actual parameters, if any. (TDINFPRM, TDRCVPRM) ← Send cursor status. Set CURSOR_ID to current cursor ID. (TDCURPRO) ← Describe result row formats. (TDESCRIB with TYPE argument set to TDS_ROWDATA) ← Send a DONE packet. (TDSNDDON with STATUS argument set to TDS_DONE_FINAL.

Fetches rows. (CURSOR_COMMAND field of CURSOR_DESC contains TDS_CURSOR_FETCH.

→ Retrieve CURSOR_COMMAND and CURSOR_ID values from CURSOR_DESC structure. (TDCURPRO) ← Send result rows, FETCH_COUNT times. (TDSNDROW) ← Send a DONE packet. (TDSNDDON with STATUS argument set to TDS_DONE_FINAL.

Sends a cursor close command. (CURSOR_COMMAND field of CURSOR_DESC contains TDS_CURSOR_CLOSE.

→ Retrieve CURSOR_COMMAND and CURSOR_ID values from CURSOR_DESC structure. (TDCURPRO) ← Send cursor status. Open ServerConnect sets cursor status, not the application. (TDCURPRO) ← Send a DONE packet. (TDSNDDON with STATUS argument set to TDS_DONE_FINAL.

Updates a cursor. CURSOR_COMMAND field of CURSOR_DESC contains TDS_CURSOR_UPDATE.

→ Retrieve CURSOR_COMMAND and CURSOR_ID values from CURSOR_DESC structure. (TDCURPRO)

→ Retrieve actual text of cursor command. (TDRCVSQL)

← Send a DONE packet. (TDSNDDON with STATUS argument set to TDS_DONE_FINAL.

Deletes a cursor. CURSOR_COMMAND field of CURSOR_DESC contains TDS_CURSOR_DELETE.

→ Retrieve CURSOR_COMMAND and CURSOR_ID values from CURSOR_DESC structure. (TDCURPRO)

← Send a DONE packet. (TDSNDDON with STATUS argument set to TDS_DONE_FINAL)

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Copyright © 2005. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. Processing cursor requests

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