Dynamic SQL requests  General processing procedures

Chapter 1: Introduction

Differences between CICS, IMS, and MVS

For the most part, the use of Gateway-Library functions in CICS, IMS TM and MVS programs is the same. The minor differences that exist are discussed in Table 1-1 and noted in the reference pages for the affected functions.

Table 1-1: Coding differences between CICS, IMS TM and MVS


Differences between CICS, IMS TM and MVS


The action taken when the communication state (COMM_STATE) is TDS_RESET can differ between CICS, MVS and the IMS TM implicit API:

  • Under CICS, MVS, and the IMS TM explicit API, the transaction exits as soon as possible.

  • Under the IMS TM implicit API, the transaction can call TDGETREQ to accept another client request or it can exit.


The first argument differs between CICS and IMS TM:

  • Under CICS, the communications I/O block, passed as the first parameter in TDINIT, is the EIB (DFHEIBLK).

  • Under IMS TM, the first TDINIT parameter is I/O PCB (IO_PCB).

  • Under MVS, a null pointer should be used.


Used with IMS TM only, to indicate the type of IMS TM transaction.


Value of CONN_OPTIONS in CICS, MVS, and the IMS TM explicit API can be set to TDS_ENDREPLY in long-running transactions. TDS_ENDREPLY cannot be used under the IMS TM implicit API. To learn how to simulate long-running transactions in the implicit API, see “Long-running transactions”.


Accounting records are written to different logs under CICS, IMS TM and MVS:

  • Under CICS, accounting functions use VSAM files as log files. The default file name is SYTACCT1.

  • Under IMS TM, accounting functions use the IMS TM log.

  • Under MVS, the records are written to a sequential file. The DDNAME of this file is specified as a parameter in TDCUSTOM (MVSDDNAME).


Trace records are written to different logs under CICS, IMS TM and MVS:

  • Under CICS, tracing functions use VSAM files as log files. The default file name is SYTDLOG1.

  • Under IMS TM, tracing functions use the IMS TM log.

  • Under MVS, the records are written to a sequential file. The DDNAME of this file is specified as a parameter in TDCUSTOM (MVSDDNAME).

Copyright © 2005. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. General processing procedures

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